Adopted or Kidnapped~TwentySeven~

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My lips curved up into a smile as I saw Bradley come in the living room with a bowl of soup. It is now just past seven in the evening and Preston had left us to go somewhere. He didn't tell us where though.

"Hi," he let out, as he carefully sat down on the couch next to me.

"Hey," I replied, as I watched the smoke let out of the soup. There was only one spoon leaning against the bowl. He wrapped his fingers around the spoon and took some soup, "Bradley, I think I'm capable to feed myself,"

"I know," he slowly made the spoon go near my mouth, "open," his mouth made an O shape as I opened mine. The liquid burned my tongue.

"Bradley!" I squealed, "It burns!" I made my tongue flop out my mouth.

"Oh shi- I'm so so sorry," he quickly put the bowl on the table in front of us and ran to the kitchen. I waved my hand over my tongue. He quickly came over to me with a glass of water and ice, he handed it to me and I drank the whole glass and left the ice in the glass.

"Sorry," he said one last time, grabbing the bowl once again.

"Its okay," I said, "aren't you going to eat,"

"I'm eating with you," he simply said. I gave him a confused look, but then he blown the spoon with had soup on it and ate it.

"Oh," He alternated feeding me then himself until the bowl was finished.

"You like?" he asked. I nodded as I wrapped the fuzzy blanket around myself. He got up and went back to the kitchen. I watched as he went back to the kitchen.

I flickered my eyes back to the TV in front me me. Toddlers & Tiaras was playing showing this little girl dancing on stage.

"Their spoilt," My head shot in the direction the voice was coming from. Bradley's blonde hair bobbing its way back to the couch.

"How?" I asked, "they don't even look like that without their makeup and wings and shit."

"I know," he said,"I would never let my child turn into one of those freaks."

"No shit."


In the middle of watching Titanic, Bradley found it while rummaging through some old movie, I yawned loudly making Bradley look at me then yawn.

"You tired?" he asked me. I nodded.

He stood up, walking over to the TV turning it off and taking the CD out also and putting it back in the holder. He walked over to me taking the blanket off me. I opened my arms out wide so he could carry. Without hesitation, he put one of his arms behind my back and the other underneath my legs going bridal style. I rested my head in the crook of his neck. I smelt his cologne with made my eyes closes and my lips curve up into a smile.

"You comfy there?" he asked making me look up. I finally felt us going upstairs. I nodded. I could feel his stare on my face, I could image his blue eyes look at me. I opened my eyes meeting those eyes. The ones that haunt my dreams.

His eyes just bore into mine, until my butt reached a table. My arms still around his neck and his hands on my waist. My weak legs dangling from the table as it I was a doll. He slowly took small steps forward, our eyes still connected. Our foreheads touched and I suddenly felt a jolt of electricity go through my body. The butterflies invading the personal space in my stomach. His head started to tilt one way and I did the same. My eyes fluttered closed and his pink soft lips brushes against mine.

"Just kiss me already," I let out. I heard him chuckle and then his lips crashed against mine. His lips moved in sync with mine, as I pushed his head down closer to mine.

Adopted or Kidnapped *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now