Adopted or Kidnapped~FortyTwo~Pt.2

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ok my friend is friends with fucking 5sos.. she gets invited to hang out with them and one time she was with 5sos and the vamps.. she's not that close to them but OMG I HAVE A CHANCE TO MEET THEM. she says they're annoying af

We got out the car one by one, starting with Elise and ending with me, I thanked Colin and he nodded, smiling. As soon as I got out the car, I plastered a smile on my face, trying not to force it but making it real. I grabbed Olive's hand squeezing it.

"C'mon, I think we're already late," I notified, as I gripped onto my small purse I brought. I lead them to the door and gave a nod to the bouncer at the door. He nodded back and smiled. The guys went an hour early to get the decorations ready, so they must be there already, and they are also performing too. A big thumbs up, yay! Note: sarcasm. They have literally took over the party.

I pushed open the two doors and I was greeted by many high school friends. Some were sat down at tables and some still standing and walking around. I swear to God, there's only about two minutes til six, and I bet the whole year is here. I swear I just saw a banana walk past me.

"Did anyone else see the banana?" I asked as we walked towards a reserved table. I turned around and they were all nodding, I chuckled pulling out a chair for myself and then sitting down. The boys did a good job with the decorations and the tables, unless Eleanor and Perrie did everything while the boys just sat on their lazy arses.

"Jessibella, your finally here!" I turned around seeing smiling and my eyebrows knotted as this girl dressed up as cat with a black tight jumpsuit, black heels and ears with her makeup styled as a cat. I suddenly recognized it Annie from my French class. Can't believe I still remember that.

"Hi Annie," I smiled as she spoke.

"Your dads are upstairs, on the balcony with all the famous people," she said into my ear over the music. I raised her a thumbs up and giggled when she said famous. She shone one back and then walked away. I looked back at my friends and they were all in deep conversation with each other. I looked to my right and saw the seat was empty. I shrugged my shoulders and looked back at my table.

"I'm gonna go to the balcony, the guys are there," I whispered to Mariella who was sat next to me. She nodded and said an okay before going back to conversation. I stood up from my chair leaving my jacket ad purse but bringing my phone. I opened a door that lead up the stairs, that was near the stage. I ran up the stairs but then being greeted by Paul.

"Oh hi Jella," he said, and then looked me up and down but not the way perverts do, "a unicorn, really?"

"Yes," I grinned as I posed, putting one hand on my hip and then other in the air, "do you like it?"

"Yes and no," Paul joked. I rolled my eye and smiled. I walked past him and then walked over to the group of boys. I run towards them breaking the wall they were standing, they were in the middle of taking a photo.

"Boo!" I screamed, making them all jump and making one of them scream. I laughed and clutched onto my stomach.

"Who seriously screamed?" Louis asked, placing his hands on his hips. We all looked over to Louis and raised our eyebrows, "Okay, I confess." he raised his hand. It happened so quickly, Louis' fingers were wiggling at my sides, causing me to jump and run away. I looked back and Louis was still chasing me. With all the black and white face paint, he still looks like my Louis to me. He was dressed up as Jack, from The Nightmare before Christmas and I think Eleanor went as Sally.

As for the rest of the boys, they all came in completely different things. Niall came as Prince Charming, Liam came in this proper Batman suit, Zayn came in a black suit with white face paint all over his face and hair sprayed his hair white and as for Harry he came as Miley Cyrus.

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