Adopted or Kidnapped~Six~

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"You do?"

That voice made me jump. Jay came in.

"Well, I'll you guys, then, a by the way, they guy's girlfriends are coming over to meet you," Niall winked.

I nodded.

He walked out, and it only left me and Jay.

"Hey, did you hear all of that?" I asked biting my lip.

"Yeah, and the things you said about me are not true. I went out with those girls because, I wanted to get over, seeing you and Carter, I've always wanted to be with you," he explained.

"Oh Jay," I giggled as he hugged me, "hey, Jay got any spare clothes?"

"No, why?"

"Because, your a blue smurf,"

"Oh, yeah, I'll be right back," he said breaking the hug.

I looked down at myself, guess I have to change too.

I took a shower and dried myself. I put on denim dungarees shorts and a white top. I slid on my black and red hightops and put my hair into a waterfall braid.

(A/N: outfit on the side)

I ran downstairs to see the boys, Jay and 2 pretty girls.

"Aww, she's pretty," the blonde one said. She was standing beside Zayn.

"Yeah, she is," the brunette said.

"Thanks?" It turned about to be a question.

"Oh, I'm Perrie," she said sticking her hand out. I gave her a confused look, she mirrored.

"I'm a hugger, and I'm Jessibella," I said hugging her.

"I already like her,"

"I'm Eleanor, but you can call me El," she said hugging me.

"We're gonna have a girls day out, so you can spend time with us. It'll be only for a few hours then your back to your dads," Perrie explained.

"Yeah about the parents thing, does this mean you two are my mums?" I asked.

"Yeah, you could say that, but I know your new at this, but youu can call us by our first names," El shrugged.

"Oh and Jessibella your starting school tomorrow, you don't have to go tomorrow but you can if you want to," Liam explained.

Yay! I'm starting school. People say it's boring, but I'm different. I was home schooled by my mum. so I have never ever been to a real school.

"Yay!" I jumped and started dancing like crazy.

A few second later I stopped. My cheeks flushed red.

"I'll be right back,"

I ran back upstairs. I grabbed one of my purses. I took £100 put of the suitcase that kept my money, and shoved it in. I took my black sunglasses. I put my phone into my pocket and ran back downstairs.

"You ready?" El asked.

"Ready as always,"

I hugged all the boys, and at last it went to Jay. I hugged him as he kissed my cheek. I felt the butterflies flying in my stomach.

I walked out the door with the girls.

"You better put you glasses on. I don't want anyone to mob us today," Perrie explained.

I nodded and slid them on. Perrie and El we're wearing sunglasses and hoodies. I didn't bring a hoodie it was quite warm outside for a September afternoon. We walked into Perrie's car. El in the passenger's seat and in at the back. Perrie started the engine and we went.

"So who's that boy?" El asked.

"Who? Jay?" I asked.

"Yeah," Perrie nodded.

"Do you like him?" El asked.

I bit my lip and my cheeks flushed red.

"Aww, you do, we are totally getting you two together," Perrie explained.

"But, I haven't had a boyfriend before," I said nervously.

"It's fine," El shrugged.

"I can see that Jay will be a great boyfriend to you," Perrie eexplained.

"Yeah, sure he would," I mumbled not wanting the girls to hear me.


We arrived at the mall. they told me I have to wear uniform for school. stupid uniform. Tomorrow is Friday, but I still wanna go to school even though the day after that is the weekend.

I ended up buying my uniform, some dresses, shirts, shorts and other things us girls wear.

"Can I ombré my hair?" I asked.

I've seen girls on Instagram and on magazines when their hair is ombred. it looks really pretty.

"Yeah sure," Perrie and El nodded.

We entered a salon. I'm so excited! my life is going to change. my wish did really come true!

Adopted or Kidnapped *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now