Adopted or Kidnapped~FortySix~

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sorry i haven't updated in a long time

The funeral went by quickly. My speech was like ten seconds long; I literally had nothing to say. I was speechless, the words didn't come out my mouth. I walked up to the podium, standing there with my mouth open. My eyes flickered back to the coffin and then to the crows numerous of times but nothing, just nothing. About 10 seconds later, you could see me speeding off back into my seat, wrapping my arms around Bradley. Even the tears stayed in. I couldn't help but feel ashamed and regret growing onto my shoulders. The funeral ended quicker than normal; ending it with Chloe's coffin getting lowered down into the soil. I watched it go down, feeling the strong feeling growing stronger each second.

We all stood in silence, watching the box lower down. I couldn't help but lower my head. This day couldn't get worst.


I wanted some time alone so I decided to have a stroll around to forest. They did't mind. I took out my phone and plugged my earphones in to listen to music. I pressed shuffle and this random song came on, which I haven't heard in ages. Burn by Ellie Goulding. I couldn't help but give a silent giggle, remembering this song was Chloe's. I shrugged it, not making myself all emotional.

I strolled deeper into the forest, only finding trees and more trees. Walking further, I saw a big lake. I walked closer, finding an old man to be there with his fishing rod. He hasn't noticed me yet but I sat on the dock, looking at the view. 

The male still hasn't noticed me, and I was humming quite loudly. I think it would be impossible if he couldn't hear him. I thought of the idea of walking towards him to say hi but he could've been some pedo. STRANGER DANGER. 

I shuffled my bum to the edge of the dock so I could see an perfect image of the male. He had many layers of clothes on, which made him look fat. He was sat on a navy blue camping chair and his legs were spread out as he held his fishing rod looking towards the river. His face changed his whole mood. He had a smile on his face, his stubble and wrinkles being visible. His hands and face looked pale, almost like snow, just like mine. His hair was blonde as I could see a few bits of his hair sticking out of his beanie. 

He was literally catching nothing. I can't find any fish in here. The water was completely still, which made it seem like nothing bothered it. I decided to leave him alone, so I stood up and started to walk away, until I heard loud coughs from behind me. I quickly looked back seeing the man clutch onto his throat; his rod now being in the water, interrupting the stillness. I quickly ran towards him, pausing Ellie Goulding and then ripping out my ear buds out of my ears, then quickly shoving it in the inside pocket of my jacket. I always took my hair out the plait, putting the booble on wrist, since it started to nag me.

I don't remember the stranger eating anything, which made me suspicious. I couldn't leave him to stop breathing and  just die. Unless I can hid the stranger's dead body. Na, they would trace the fingerprints.  

My pace slowed down as I touched the man's shoulder. He was literally coughing, all his germs going everywhere and especially on my face as he turned around.

"Are you okay?" I asked. Oh my gosh, that's just plain stupid. He kept on coughing, as he shook his head no, pointing at his throat, "Oh, so your choking?" Let me get this straight I'm not good at this situation. 

He nodded his head up and down, rapidly. "Okay, please don't freak out but in some way, I'm just going to hump you from behind, like the demonstration this teacher taught me okay? Well not humping but somewhat like humping," I said quickly. This is not helping.

I walked behind him wrapping my arms around his body, which was difficult since he had many layers on. This is gonna be awkward. I kept on thrusting my hand into his chest against me until his coughing stopped. Hallelujah! He turned around with his evil grin on his face. Turned out he wasn't actually choking. Oh shit. I turned around, towards the trees and started to run. Why did I wear heels?

"Boys, she's a good one!" the man yelled as I heard a few more pair of shoes hitting the leaves on the floor. I couldn't help but breathe through my mouth inside of my nose. I kept on looking left and right if anything around me could help me. I quickly ran towards a crowd of trees which formed a circle and a few bushes around it which could hid the inside from a distance. I quickly ran over to it, trying not to make a racket. I looked back and there was a long distance between me and the pedo squad. I jumped over the bush sitting down quickly, ducking my head and then  unlacing the bows on my shoes and then taking off the painful heels. I also took off my coat, since it was slowing me down too.

Sweat was forming on the side on my head, and I didn't notice I was crying until I touched my cheeks. My breath slowed down a bit, but the fact I was crying and running made it worst. I swear they could hear my breathing. The footsteps slowed down, and something being muttered in a different language. I couldn't help but cry again, covering my mouth. Suddenly I felt more splats of water falling onto my head. Oh shit, it's raining. 

My breathe hitched as I heard the footstep come nearer towards me. I squeezed my eyes shut, hoping they wouldn't come into my only safety. The sound of the bush being pushed away, killed me. 

I just legged it, leaving my belongings. I heard muffled voices, shouting at each other.The rain made it worst, making all my makeup fall off my face, and drip onto my cheeks and also making my hair wet. This was a different path from the one I took, meaning I couldn't find my way back. 

I kept on running, running away from everything. My feet ached, I had thin tights which didn't help. It came to a dead end. I cried even harder, I couldn't find my freedom. I let out loud whimper as I ran side to side. There was a fucking wall, a long fucking wall. 

I'm dead.

I turned around, seeing four men surround me with two other men behind them with my belongings. My phone. I touched my skirts but then I remembered I left it in my coat pocket. I cursed at myself for it. 

"Looking for this?" The main pedo questioned as he held up my phone. I opened my mouth but nothing came out. The man stepped closer to me, throwing the phone out of his hands and into one of his wannabes. He was so close I could smell the cigarette he just smoked. I hated it. I felt his hand touche the back of my thigh, making it's way to my ass. He squeezed which made me flinch and raise my other foot and kick him in the balls. He bent down, touching the painful part, and here was my chance to go.

But I was suddenly pushed back by two men, "Lads, we've got her."

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