Adopted or kidnapped~Nine~

593 11 7

pic of Bradley on side

Today is my birthday! I'm officially 14! But I still have school, so boring!

I got out of bed and did my normal routine. Have a shower get changed then go downstairs to have my breakfast. As I walked downstairs, I couldn't hear anything, it was so silent. I walked to the kitchen. It still silent.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" Everyone yelled.

Niall, Liam, Louis, Harry, Zayn, Eleanor, Perrie, Jade, Leigh-Ann, and Jesy. Yes even the whole Little Mix is here, I met them on Sunday. Jay went back to the care home but he's coming back tonight.

I just jumped and ran out the room. The kitchen was filled with laughter.

"You guys beat the shi- poo out of me!" I yelled at them laughing.

"Awe, look at our baby girl she gonna start swearing, that's fine babe," Harry joked kissing my forehead.

"Anyway, Happy Birthday sweetheart," Jade said hugging me. Then whole little mix gave me a group hug.

Everyone greeted me gave me pecks on my cheek, forehead or even my nose. Yeah, Louis kissed my nose.

They gave me my breakfast. Man I'm full.

"Paul's sending you to school, then your going to the mall after school with the El," Niall explained eating one of his eggs.

"Okay, well, I better be going," I said putting my plate into the sink.

I kissed everyone's cheek before leaving. I waved a goodbye before heading out the door.

"Happy Birthday, love," Paul said giving me hug.

"Awe, thanks Pauly."

We hopped into the car and went to school.


"Happy Birthday Jella!" I heard Leslie, Tyler and Elise yell running up to me.

"Awe, thanks marshmallows!"

Yeah I call my best friends marshmallows.

"I'm so excited tonight!" Elise squealed.

"I know right,"

We walked down halls.

"Happy Birthday," a random girl came up to me.

"Thanks?" I replied

"Happy Birthday Jessibella," a boy came up to me and waved. I waved back and mumbled a thank you.

"You so know that your really popular here," Leslie said.

"I did not know that," I said clicking my fingers laughing.

"Oh, look who's coming," Elise said tapping my arm.

I looked up: Bradley, Cole, Lewis, Olive, Mary-Ann and last of all Mariella. I cal the girls: Dolls. But I don't have a name for the guys yet.

Cole was the shy one. Jet black hair and blue eyes. I liked him the most out of all of them. Lewis the jerk out of all of them. He would hit on every girl he sees. He has brown hair and green eyes. The even had one earring. Olive and Mary-Ann. They are like a clone of Mariella. Olive had auburn hair that ended were her elbows are. Blue eyes to go with it. She was the nicest out of them three girls. May I say even prettier. Mary-Ann. Oh how should I describe Mary-Ann. Eww. Her hair was a colour of strawberry blonde and the tips of her hair was a very light colour of blonde. Her eyes were emerald green. Wow how much I hate her. Some people say she's being best friends with Mariella so she wouldn't get bullied again. Apparently, in primary school she was bullied a lot. No one in our year went to her primary school so we don't know.

"Happy Birthday Jess, see ya tonight," Cole winked.

"Go away," I mumbled.

"Happy Birthday Jessibella," I heard a familiar voice say: Bradley.

I looked at him His arms were wide open. What does he want me to do?

"C'mon, please? Can I at least get a hug from the birthday girl?" he asked.

I walked up to him awkwardly and gave him a awkward hug. I saw Leslie and Elise.

"What is he doing?" Elise mouthed.

"I dunno," I mouthed back. I broke the hug and went back to my normal position.

"I'll see you around, maybe tonight?" he questioned.

"Y-yeah sure," I stuttered.

I saw the dolls give me glares. There little group scurried off. Now everyone in the school had their eyes on me, it was silent.

"Okay, let's get to class!" Leslie interrupting the silence.

The others got back to their own thing and went to class.

"Who invited them?" I asked.

"I dunno, the word must of gone out," Leslie said.

"Stupid people," I murmured

Then the bell rang.

"I'll see you later," Elise Sao walking in the different direction.

"Bye girls," Tyler said walking somewhere.

Leslie and I went to our first class: Drama.


I earned some more happy birthdays today. Everyone kept on saying how jealous they were of me because they think I'm a relative of Simon Cowell. Yeah, we don't want to make people think I was adopted by One Direction.

"Hey wanna hang out after school?" Leslie asked.

"I would love to but I can't, I'm going with Eleanor to the mall to get my dress for the party tonight, sorry,"

"Oh well, is Jay coming?" she asked.

"Yeah of course,"

"Awe, I'm so excited for tonight, I hope it's gonna be cute,"

"What are you talking about?"

"Oops, gone to far," he said putting one hand over her mouth.

I shrugged it off and went back to my food.

------------------------------------------------------------After School----------------------------------------------------------

"Oh my God this dress is beautiful," El said talking out a dress.

It was strapless, it was a colour light pink. It had black strips going along the waist. It didn't hug my thighs, it left space between them.

"I love it!"I squealed.

"C'mon try it on," she said as she grabbed my wrist and dragged me to a changing room. I tried the dress on. Wow, it's beautiful.

I walked out of the changing room to see El's face so shocked.

"Mum, I love it! What can I call you mum?" I asked.

"Sure I don't mind at all," she smiled.

"Can we buy it?" I asked.

"Of course we can, go get dressed," she said. I walked back to the changing room and got changed in my normal clothes. I walk out with the dress in my hand. I handed it to Mummy El. Awe that sounds cute!

She paid for it and we went home to get ready. 

Everything as changed since I got adopted by these guys. I love so much even though I've only met them for a few days. It's like I already know them. 

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