Adopted or Kidnapped~FortyTwo~Pt.1

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I swear this is going to be a long chapter.

It quickly came to the last week of October and everyone is literally freaking out because of the upcoming Halloween party that I'm throwing, well being forced to throw one.

Lewis and Lavender, his sister, came two weeks before the party came by. Harry and her have been getting close lately, the last time I saw them. As for me, I've been trying to encourage Elise to get a MinnieMouse costume to match Lewis. I lied to her saying I was going as Mickey. She wanted to see it, but I said I haven't got mine yet, and I would show it her before the party started.

I made up my mind to go as something simple, such as a unicorn. As I was the host of this, I didn't want to go over the top with my outfit as in other cliche movie and host is all slutty, sometimes.

Today was the day:thirty-first of October, meaning the party. It was already two in the afternoon and the party starts in four hours. I texted Elise to come around at three, so we could be both ready. It was a chance to let Elise see Lewis again.

"Elise, make me a sandwich," Lewis said as he nudged to me.

"Elise? I'm Jella," I looked at him and he had an apologetic look on his face, "Awh, Lewis, you'll see her again in a few hours." I placed my hand on shoulder.

"I'll order some pizza," Lewis stood up grabbing his phone from the kitchen island. He returned giving me to look and I nodded. Lewis and I are like twins who can communicate without even speaking. Is that even possible though.

He ordered a large pepperoni pizza and a medium box of spicy chicken wings. I feel like a fat pig eating everything but "YOLO" a quote by Louis William Tomlinson. Our pizza came about fifteen minutes later, we argued who paid, but Lewis brought up the fact I let him live in our house, so he of course paid.

He came back walking in with two boxes in his hand, "I'm paying you back," I said as I smirked. I opened the box that filled the spicy chicken wings and dug in.

"Why? You have literally made mine and my sister's future much better, I'm paying you back with food."

"Your my guest, of cou-" I was cut off by Lewis pushing tissues in my face.

"Just drop it," he snapped, "oh and by the way you've got some sauce all over your mouth," then he took a bite out of his slice of pizza.

"Thank yo-" I was again interrupted by the door opening and a female voice yelling out "I'M HOME!"

I instantly wiped my mouth, throwing the tissue of the table. She walked towards me giving me a hug as she bent down and then looking over to Lewis and her expression changed.

"Lewis?" Eleanor questioned, "Oh my goodness, I haven't seen you in forever, what are you doing here, aren't you supposed to be with Elise?"

You see, Eleanor hasn't visited since Bradley and I had that heated kiss. She's been so busy with work back in Manchester, she wasn't be able to come here, but I guess today is the day.

"Eleanor!" I squealed as I placed the box on Lewis' knee so I could stand up and hug her. She hugged back giving me a squeeze. I looked over and saw that Lewis was faking a smile. I let go, sitting back down in my spot and Eleanor sat down on the armchair.

"So tell me all the gossip, are you and Bradley together yet?" she asked and big smile grew on her face.

"What no!" I scoffed as I playfully hit her forearm. She rolled her eyes and looked over to Lewis.

"How are you and Elise?" Eleanor asked as she looked at Lewis as she wiggled her eyebrows.

"Well, we ha-" I cut off him off.

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