Adopted or Kidnapped~Seventeen~

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Leslie's blonde hair was a mess. It looked like it gone darker in the years. Her eyes were shut. Blood pouring out her stomach, with her hand over it. My eyes were pouring with tears the same with Elise. I turned around to my dads.

"Wh- What h-happened t-to h-her?" I stuttered.

"She got shot.. in the stomach," Zayn said.  I sobbed louder. Louis and Niall came next to me comforting me.

"C-can we g-go ins-inside, please," Elise pleaded

"Sure love," Liam said going up to Elise and wrapping his arm around her. As we were walking, I saw a flash from the side.  Stupid Papperazi. I didn't care if they were taking pictures, but my best friends, came back from Spain. 

We reached the inside of the hotel and back to our room. Everyone was silent. You will be able to hear a pin drop. Tears were still streaming down my face but quietly.  Once we reached the room I kept my head down walking into a random room. Elise stayed in the main room sitting on one of the chairs, putting herself to sleep.

I plopped my body onto the bed. I took off the blazer I was wearing and stayed there for a few minutes. My mind was blank. Nothing seemed okay. Am I bad luck or something? 

I woke up with a body next to me but not touching my body. I turned around and saw a mop of chocolate curls in my face. I guess I ran into Harry's room. I got up not disturbing him. I walked out the room and saw Elise and Liam on seperate couches sleeping. Liam is being an responsible adult  because he promised that he'll keep Elise safe.

I smiled and found  my suitcase laying on it's back, near the door. I picked it up and made it stood up and wheeled it to the window. I closed all the windows and curtains before opening my suitcase getting out red jeans, cream-coloured sweater, and red scarf and a cream-colored beanie. I slipped on my white uggs. A/N OUTFIT ON SIDE I left my hair the way it is and I walked past the mirror, I then took 3 steps back again looking at myself. My make up was totally a mess.  I quickly ran to Harry's room, the into the bathroom. I washed my face with water unitl the black stains on my face was gone. 

I ran out the room as quick as I could, quietly. I took Liam's card, for the room, and snuck it in my pocket before leaving. I walked out the hotel with my hands in my pants pocket. It was windy as normal. I started to walk to the park I could see a few yards away. I walked and walked until I reached it.

The swings were swaying back and forth because of the wind. Leaved swivled in circles. The slide looked lonley. It was a simple small park. I sat on the swing thinking of my past.

It was a cold December, I'm 15 years old. Tomorrow is Christmas! So exciting! Today is Christmas Eve and also Louis' birthday.

"I'm gonna go for a few hours, don't mind me," I said picking up my beanie and gloves. I put them on and added afew more warm layers on.

"Doing some late Christmas shopping are we?" Zayn asked.

"Yes," I said with a big smile on my face. Since I was adopted, I haven't been out on my skateboard because I've been hanging out with my dads and mums. I slung my backpack over my shoulder and waved off before going out the door. I put the keys in my pocket and got my skateboard from the backyard. I started to glide through the streets on my skateboard not getting noticed by papperazi.

"Excuse me?" I saw a little boy who was about 5 or 6.

"Yes?" I bent down so II could be at his level.

"I can't fine my mummy," he said and he started to cry.

"Aww don't cry, we'll find your mummy," I said putting my skate board in one hand and using the other to hold his. I stood up normally, "C'mon,"

He started to walk with me into different shops and we even went to the food courst because we were finding his mother for an hour and he started to get hungry.

"Here, you go.." I said drifting off trying to wait for a response.

"Jake," his little voice said.

"Alright Jake! Here enjoy your mean," I said handing his happy meal to him, he quickly ran to a booth and opened it and stuck in. It was like he haven't ate in days. He reminds me of Niall.

"When was the last time you ate?" I asked the boy putting my hand on his back smiling.

"I don't know but a few days ago," he said then went back to eating. I starred wide eyed at him. This poor boy hasen't eaten in ages. I bet his mother left him on purpose because of this.

"Um.. Jake I don't think it's a great idea to go back to your mummy. How about you come to a care home where you will have friends and new family," I said suggesting.

"That would be wonderful!" he said. I was suprised at his response.

"Eat up, I need your tummy to be full," I said patting his belly which made him giggle.

He finished his food and started to play with his toy. He held my hand as we went on to the bus to the orphanage home. I know he isn't an orphan but he need a family, like I did.

"C'mon lets go," I said grabbing his hand, he jumped off the seat anf followed me out the bus. 

We reached the front of the door and I knocked on it. I saw the face of Charlie. He hasn't been adopted yet. Everytime when parents want to adopt him something bad happens the days after.

"Hey Jessibella," Charlie said, letting us both in, "who's this?" 

"This is Jake, he needs a real family like you," I said smiling.

"Hi Jake I'm Charlie," he said waving at him. Jake stayed behind me. Aww he's shy!

"Charlie who was at the door?" I saw Lily come through. She looks different now. Her hair colour changed from blond to red. She has gotten a bit darker, well she went on holiday, and got a sun tan.

"Hey Lils, can you sign this boy up, his mother left him on purpose and he hasn't eaten in days," I said.

"Alright,"  she said, she looked at Jake smiling, "C'mon, we need a little chat before you can play with Charlie,"

He nodded, and from there, Charlie found a new home and also did Jake. He's been alright and I'm happy for them.

I smiled at the flashback. I looked up at the sky and it looked like I've been here for nearly an hour. I stood up and walked back to the hotel. I then felt my phone vibrate and picked it up.

"Hello?" I questioned.

"Where are you, Jessi?" I heard Louis' voice.

"Oh, I just went to the park, I need a time out," I said.

"From what? We've all been worried sick,"

"Nothing, anyway I'm nearly there, I can see the h-"

Everything went black.

A/N  Sorry for the cliffhanger, and I'm also sorry for udating late.. I've been busy. It's the last week until I break up for Christmas. Today I skipped school and went to watch Frozen in the cinema.. I'm such a rebel.. Lol joking, it was a reward trip! Haha lozers stayed at school while I and some others went to watch frozen!

-Ellice x 

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