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This is supposed to be the last chapter of the book, I decided to post this since I kinda left you guys on a cliffhanger. I recommend reading last chapter before reading this since things might confuse you.

Something hit me from my slumber. It was a video recorder. I looked around if there was anything or anyone around me and seeing if there was any evidence of a person who threw me this.

As I rubbed my eyes as the light of the screen shone on my face. The device was fully charged. I looked at the recent videos and they we're all the same. Different girls' suicide videos. In the same room, the same background in each clip. These are probably the girls who were here before me. Does this mean it's my turn to loose my life?

I tried to make myself decent, dusting off the invisible dust off my skirt and taking away the dried tears on my cheeks. I combed my hair with my fingers, licking my lips so they won't looked as chapped. I placed the camera in front of me, the screen facing my face. I looked at the screen and I was still disgusting as ever. My eyes started to fill with salty tears again, knowing I was going to change everything and loose my life.

"Seven months of staying in this hell you call home. I've been raped, drugged and I've also been up for auction. On the first few days of my stay, everything was calm and peaceful. This boy named Stuart helped me through the first few days until I got cozy with him and lost my everything to him.

No one even cares about me anymore. It's true. They've all left me. Look how skinny I am, look at me! I don't even know what the sun looks like anymore. Why has no one fucking looking for me?! I thought everyone cared about me but I think not.

Look at this! Look at my fucking disgusting wrists! I flipping hurt myself because I can't handle life anymore, can you see? Every single girl shouldn't be like this. They should be beautiful healthy girls and they should be treated well with the perfect man. Talking about boys, I found my heroes. But they never came. Why! Why! Why?

I can go on forever and talk about how my life is full of shit. I have been having thoughts, and they're all about other people and not myself. Do think I wanted this? I've been in the same clothes since my Chloe's funeral. Not only I'm finishing things with a sad ending but I also started things with depressing thoughts.

For my message for everyone, which I doubt this video will be out there for everyone to see.. Please don't trust anybody. You should just keep things to yourself. Why the fuck would you want people to be listening to your feelings and thoughts when they can do nothing about it. I'm begging you. Just keep my word.

I just want people out there to know who I am. I might do sound big-headed but how does no one remember me? Am I already dead? Am I a spirit right now?

Well, to everyone out there, I'm sorry of what I have done. No one deserves a life like me. I guess it's my turn to turn over onto a new page. According to these other girls that have been recording there death also, I- I guess this is the part where I- I die."

My throat went dry. More and more tears were running down my cheeks. Something beside me rolled and reached my hand. I looked down seeing a tube of sleeping pills. I smiled looking for the person that was around but there was no one in the lite room.

"I'm going to-" I paused, opening the tube taking a pill into my hand, "Since ya'll want to know how I die, I'll keep you guys here watching me take these sleeping pills.

I downed one. And then two. Which becomes ten. Then twenty. Whimpers left my mouth everytime I took a pill. Saliva dripping my mouth, my nose turning runny and a wave a tears falling down on my cheeks.

When I got down to my last pill, I spoke before swallowing it, "I, Jessibella will be taking my last breath for all," and then paused and spoke to the camera with confidence, "Hope I did good for you, goodbye."

I turned off the camera putting it aside. I laid on my side.

"Help me," I whispered.

Waiting for death's sweet kiss to take me away.

Soon the whole world knew about Jessibella's death. Niall took the most impact of her death. The band blamed themselves and then took a long break to end her depression. Soon they couldn't handle so they broken up. They were finished.

Days after the separation of the band, Mr Horan decided to take his life also. With Jessibella's last words running through his mind, hope I did good for you.

She took a bullet to his head, pulling him down to the ground.

He never succeeded his mission.

The End.

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