Adopted or Kidnapped~Twenty~

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When I got to this really fancy house, Bradley quickly went to the house phone and dialed at number with a big smile on his face. I smiled at his happiness and went to the living room. As I walked in, I saw pictures of me and 5 older men. Weird. 

I wondered through the house, looking at each room. But 1 room really caught me eye. It had painted walls which was beautifully done. There was a picture collage of me and some other people. We were all smiling in each picture. Which caught me to smile.

I saw Bradley peep through the door.

"This is your room, by the way," he said.

"Really, wow," I said, admiring the rest of the scenary.

"I just called Niall and your dads saying that your awake," he said.

I gave him a confused look, "Who's Niall and my dads?"

"Them," he said pointing to a picture of them and me, "they are a famous boy band called One Direction, they're on tour right now, so they can't come back home for your birthday," he said.

"Oh," was the only thing I could say. They can't come because of a stupid tour. They don't have concerts every night do they? I just woke up from a coma and they can't come to see me? Can't their manager do something? I really want to meet them.

"You alright?" he asked.

"Kinda, It's just that I want to meet them, well I have met them but I just want to remember them," I said with a sigh, "Err, Bradley can I have have some alone time," I said.

"Um.. sure," he said. Once he left my room, I got out my sports bag and stuffed it with some spare gym clothes. I got changed into a long sleeved grey crop top and black shorts. I put grey sweats and a hoodie over them and slide on my UGG boots. I put my hair in a high ponytail, and ran downstairs grabbing a bottle of water and some money. I quickly wrote down a note for Bradley saying: 

Hey Bradley, going to my old gymnastics school, can't beleive I still remember that place, don't worry about me, I'll try and come home before 6.


-Jessibella :) x

I left it on the fridge and left the house and ran to the gymnastics school I used to go.  It was only a few blocks away. Once I reached it, I opened the door and saw a woman with blonde hair. I saw her head pop up and then smile.

"Jessibella!" Eliza said, she was my gymastic teacher when I was young. She taught me different things.

"Eliza!" I yelled hugging her back.

"What you doing here?" she asked, "Aren't you in a coma?" 

"Yes, I used to be, I woke up a few hours ago, I decided to do some sreching because I haven't streched in ages," I said.

"C'mon I'll get you to a private studio," she said leading me to a room. I do dance as well. 

I started to do some streches on the floor and on the wall. I put my foot against the wall and pulled it up the other legs against the wall. I stayed for a few more seconds before doing it again on the leg. 

"Okay, cant you still do the needle?" Eliza asked.

"I'll try," I said, I took off my sweats and hoddie and streched before I pulled my rigHt leg against my back.


"Yay, you could do it!" she said as she clapped her hands. 

I smiled and started to do more streching. 

~A few hours later~

Once I finished doing my 7th backflip in a row and fell to the ground, sweat and weakness growing upon me. 

"Eliza, I'm going home now, I'll try come in 2 days, I'm gonna be busy," I said hugging her.

"Okay," she said as she kissed my cheek, "See you later," 

"Bye," I said smiling and walking out the door. Soon, as I got out it started to rain. Thank you Lord! I put my hood up covering my face too. On the long way home, Bradley tried to explain everything that happened in the past about me. Frpm Bristol to London was quite a long car ride. 

It began to hail stone. All the hail stone started to come in face which really hurt. Have you ever felt that before? It wrecks! I began to run, until I bumped into someome which made me fall and fall on my bum. God, that hurt too! I looked up, seeing his freckles. Ohh God now, why now?

"Jessibella!" he cheered.

"What are you doing here?" I asked

"Just walking around," he shrugged.

"What the fuck? Hail stone?" I asked with a bitchy tone.

"Jess, I know I hurt your feelings, at Starbucks, I know I kissed her, but I've broken up with her now," he said.

"Jai, c'mon I don't give a shit about your love life, at least I don't leave people," I spat.

"What the hell Jessibella?! It wasn't my fault I fucking left you!" he yelled.

"Well, you picked Mrs. Whatever, to be your foster mum, I though you could do better than that?!"  I yelled back, "I just came out of a coma. I was in a coma for months, my dads were always there for me, but then they had to leave because they were going on tour, and guess who was there for me the whole time. BRADLEY! He actually cares, you know unlike you. I heard your foster mum saying that you were going to Bristol the time I went, but I guess you went too, but was never bothered to come and visit once," my voice started to quieter.

"Jella-" he was cut off by me.

"Dob't you Jella me. I've had enough, I know we haven't seen each other.. it's just that you just don't care. here," I took off my necklace and dropped it in his hand, "I think there will be another necklace on the way, I don't need yours anymore," I spat. 

He was stood speechless. I turned around and saw Bradley are few meters away from me. His eyes caught mine. He smiled as he smiled back. He came running toward me, with a huge coat. 

"At least be cares about me," I turned around and still saw Jai standing there. I turned back around and saw Bradley in front of me. I wrapped my arms around him feeling safe.

"You alright, Jella?" he asked, his hair was soaking wet, he looks so cute!

"Yeah, just cold," I said. 

"Here," he wrapped the big thick coat around me, taking my bag from me and carrying it for me.

"Oh hey mate," I heard Bradley say to Jai.

"Oh hey, well I better get going," he said. I could see at the corner of my eyes, they were giving each other a man hug. They both waved off and Bradley put his arm around me.

"Your friends with him still?" I said.

"Yeah, why?" he asked.

"Oh nothing," I said shrugging it off.

"Well, I got a special someone at the house, you excited?" he asked.

I nodded. I looked at him and smiled, he gave me a confused look.

"How did you remember Jai?" he asked.

"Oh I just remember my past," I said.

He nodded, and grabbed my fragile hand in his. I smiled and lookedto the ground. I stopped walking which made him stop.

"You gonna get cold, Brad," I said.

"No, I'm not," he said acting brave and muscular.

"Just come 'ere," I said wrapping my arms around his neck. He quickly reacted to it and snaked his arms around my waist. I kissed his cheek and then whispering in his ear, "Thank you for everything," 

A/N: Sorry the long update hoped you liked it. Gif on side of the needle if you do'nt know what it is. Sorry if there's any spelling mistakes. I had to write it all done again because of the problem that happened yesterday x


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