Adopted or Kidnapped~ThirtyFour~

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"Fuck, fuck, fuck," I muttered to myself, "It can't be, no no no,"

"Yes, yes, yes," Bradley said as he whispered into my ear, with a big grin on his face, walking up to them.

I huge smile started to appear on my face, little tears started to run down my face. I opened my arms wide for the tall blonde to hug. I quickly recovered from crying and hugged him tightly, smelling his cologne, and touching his blonde-brunette hair. 

"I missed you, Ni,"

"I'm home, princess," 


The five of them:  Zayn Malik, Liam Payn, Louis Tomlinson, Harry Styles and Niall Horan, stayed with us. I truely missed them. Even though, I was in a coma and everything came new to me, they were still the same people to me. When I saw them walk through the door, I just saw them as normal people, people who are different from everybody else. Zayn had news to tell me that Perrie's pregnant, which I know they would name their child after me. 

"So, how life?"Harry asked, while I played with his hair. 

"Pretty shi- poop, got stabbed yesterday, I don't know if Chloe's okay or not, we don't have any result, and Leslie died, I never really got to say bye, she said bye to me throuh letter but I gave her nothing," I said as I started to make plaits in his hair. 

"Anything between you and Bradley?" Zayn whispered into my ear. I widened my eyes, and stopped doing Harry's hair.

"Urm.. n-no," I stuttered and bit my bottom lip looking away, my cheeks turning a dark shade of pink. 

"I won't ask anymore," Zayn said, I let out a sigh of relief, "Because Louis will be," 


"So when can you go home?" Liam asked, as he started to play with a strand of me hair, and I began to plait Harry's hair again. Damn, this boy needs a haircut, but then again, he looks like Baby Tarazan. 

"Probably tonight, or tomorrow morning," I said, shrugging my shoulders.

"Jessi, have you seen this?" Bradley said as he brought his phone up to my face. I pressed play and an familair song came on. 

"My anaconda don't, my anaconda don't, my anaconda don't want none, unless you've got buns hun,"

"There's a music video to this?" I asked, "Yes!"

"You like Nicki Manaj twerking, because that's the only thing she does in this," Louis said, stunned, "There like two planets!"

"No, this might seem weird, but the message to this song is, I think, anaconda, as in penis, is not going to fuck you unless you've got a huge bum like Nick Manaj," I said, as I kept watching the video, "And I like it, for some reason," 

"But your arse is fucking small," Elise said, jumping onto Liam's back. 

"Aw thanks, babe," I said sarcastically,

"No problem, love you," she coo'ed blowing a kiss.

I carried on watching the video, until I got uncomfortable, and thrown the phone onto my lap.

"Why did Drake come into it?" I asked myself and then looked at Bradley and Elise. Elise was still on Liam's back and Bradley had left.

"Where did Bradley go?" I asked. 

"A nurse said that there was an emergency in Chloe's room, and he had to go," 


"You misss hiiimm, already," Zayn coo'ed.

"I never said I did," I shot back. 

"Well, you do,"

"You've grown cheeky, and I liked it wen Zayn was vain," I joked, giggling as I pinched his nose. 

"I know,"

"He's grown cheeky, because he finally got his dick into Perrie," Louis joked, making all of us laugh. 

Zayn's cheeks heated up, making us laugh harder.

Sorry i'm making short updated normally I would have between 1000- 2000 words now their like 600 - 700,  sorry I'm just making these chapters as quick as I can so I i can get to the sad part o the story, then this book would be nearly finished. This book will have aroun 40 or more chapter or maybe 50, so this book won't be finishing until idk.. 



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