Adopted or Kidnapped~Four~

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"Shh, don't wake them,"

"They look so cute."

"Take a picture,"

Then I heard a click noise. I started to move around.

"Jay?" I whispered.

"Mmm," he hummed.

"Wake up," I whispered.

He sat up as I sat up too.  Then I heard some 'awws'  We both snapped our head. It was my dads. I smiled at Jay. He pecked my cheek.

"Well, you better get packing," he left the room.

I looked at the 5 boys. They haven't even noticed. I started to laugh.

"What?" Louis asked.

"Have you seen yourself?" I said between laughs.

They all ran to my mirror.

"Jessibella!" They yelled.

"Hey, it was Jay too" I said.

"I heard my name," Jay said as popped into my room.

"Yeah, my baby, helped too," I said.

"Baby?" Jay said.

"Yeah, your younger than me," I said.

"Only like a month," he said.

"But, your still my baby, remember we were 7, you cried when I got the last ice lolly," I giggled.

"I was 7!" He wined

"Yeah, yeah whatever, baby," I said.

He sat down next to my and started to tickle me. He knows I'm not ticklish. Only under my armpits and neck. He doesn't know that. Then he started to tickle my neck.

"Jay.. Stop," I said. He did what I said.

"I'll get you back," he said before he went out my room.

The 5 boys with face paint and different colored hair was looking at me.

"Yes?" I said as I tried to act innocent.

"Why?" Niall asked.

"Because, your not my parents yet, so your my friends, so doesn't friends to that?" I asked.

"Yeah.. But.. Fine you win," Harry said.

"Start packing we're going at 3," Liam informed me.

I nodded my head they all left my room. I took out 2 of my suitcase and opened the both. I stuffed my clothes in. In the middle of it Jay came in.

"I'm really going to miss you," he said sitting on my bed..

"You know I'm gonna miss you more," I teased.

"I'm gonna miss you from the moon and back," he said.

"I'm gonna miss you from... Um... Um.. You win," I gave up.

I put more shirts into my suitcase.

"You can come with me to my new house, well, of you want to," I said, as I bit my bottom lip.

"Yes, I would love to," he said making me smile.

"Yeah, we're going at 3, so you can ready," I said

He nodded.

I got my backpack and placed all my belongings: my phone, my make up bag, my purse, my artist set, my journal and my other things. I got out my flower-covered small suitcase. I opened it. It all had the left overs of my parents money. It had like £5000 in there.

Adopted or Kidnapped *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now