Adopted or Kidnapped~Seven~

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We went home after. my hair was still natural brown but my tips are the colour purple/red. I loved it.

When we got home, I flopped onto the couch looking up at the ceiling. I closed my eyes until I felt someone touching my feet. I shot my eyes open. It was Jay tickling my feet.

"I guess you like my toes," I said.

"I do," he said.

"I guess you changed your hair colour,"

"Yeah, I have, well some of it, you like?" I asked

"Of course, I do,"

Then there was awkward silence, until someone interrupted.

"Gonna watch the football match," Niall said walking into the living room with 6 more figures. He turned on the tv and the news was on.

"Today, we saw Zayn's girlfriend, Perrie from Little Mix and Louis' girlfriend, Eleanor with a little girl in Perrie's car going to the mall. Who is this mystery girl? What is she doing with them? They were buying clothes for the little girl. And that's what we have. After the break with have Dave with the weather," The woman's voice said from the tv.

Everyone's eyes widened, they all looked at me.

"I guess they found out," Liam said.

What's up with the 'I guess....' thing all about.

"No, they haven't, they don't know who she is," Harry explained.

"True," they all nodded.

"Well, back to football!" Niall yelled.

Oh this boy loves football.

"Hey Jay, you staying tonight or are you going back to the home?" Zayn asked.

"I dunno, if you want me too, I could," Jay shrugged.

"Yeah, please let him stay," I pouted.

"Yes, but only for tonight, your gonna have school tomorrow," Louis explained.

We nodded. I walked upstairs and brought up my bags with me. Jay followed me. We entered my room he sat on the bed. I placed my bags into my walk-in-wardrobe.

"I'm gonna get changed," I explained, I went inside my wardrobe. All my suitcases were there with my clothes still inside. I wasn't bothered sorting it out, I'll do it tomorrow. I took out pyjama pants and a pink tank top. I dressed into them. I walked our and saw Jay looking at my walls, that I decorated from before.

"You like it?" I asked.

"Yeah, even my name," he said pointing to his name on the wall.

I blushed.

"You know you could go downstairs and watch football with the others, you don't have to stay with me," I explained sitting on the bed next to him.

"You sure?" he said biting his bottom lip.

"Yeah, I'm sure, I'll be waiting here,"

"Okay," he nodded and kissed my cheek before walking out the door.

I took out my journal and my special pen, I went on a clean page and started writing.

September 6, 2013

Dear Diary,

Today, I was adopted by the most famous boy band in the world. I didn't know them at first, but now I do. I can't believe girls think about them really sexually. They are great guys even great dads shall I say. I've met their girlfriends, they are nice too. But the worse thing that happened today was public finding out who I was. They don't know that I'm One Direction's adopted daughter. They just found out that I'm a girl who is hanging out with One Direction.

Adopted or Kidnapped *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now