Adopted or Kidnapped~FortyThree~

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I was looking back at my chapters and Leslie gave Jessibella a Bucket list.. I can't believe I forgot. This BL will come soon. MIGHT WANNA READ THE NEW BLURB, IT WILL MAKE SENSE SINCE I WANT TO FINISH THIS BOOK EARLIER AND QUICKER.

"Doctor Underpants, really?" I questioned and I scrunched my nose and tilited my head back from laughing.

"I didn't say Doctor Underpants, Jella," Bradley raised his eyebrows and grinned, "Your a little bit tipsy?"

"I think so," I held up my hand as though I was going to give him a high-five, "my fingers feel like a heavy man sat on them for four- no five hours."

I finished my lemonade vodka and I asked for another and I said it was be my last. The glass wass quite big, and I just finished both of them.

"Well, how many fingers am I holding up?" he asked.

"Two large fingers," I laughed as I looked at him. I didn't feel that drunk. Just a bit tipsy, "I'm not dumb, Bradley."

"I know-" Bradley was interuppted by a female voice booming through the speakers.

"Is this microphone working?"I looked up seeing Perrie and Jade on stage with microphones in their hand as Perrie spoke through her's. Perrie was dressed up as a cat and Jade went as Mystique from X-Men. At the side of the stage I saw Jesy who was dressed as a vampire and Leigh-Anne as gothic steampunk matron.

Jade nodded as she smiled at the crowd. A few cheers and screams we heard from the large mob. The stage was quite high, and some of the crowds were quite tall especially the banana but I still had a perfect view of the cat and the blue lady.

"Are you guys having a great time?" Jade hollered through the microphone and was responded by cheers. I shouted a yes too smiling as I took a drink from the water the bartender brought me. I turned over to Bradley and he was smiling at me.

"What?" I questioned. The voices in the backgrounf turned mute, my mind was concentrated on Bradley.

"Has anyone told you how beautiful you are?" he asked as reached his hand out and took his large hand in mine and intertwined our fingers.

"Yes but they only say that so they can me happy, I know they don't mean it. I don't take their word seriously," I say as looked up, like there was something above me. Bradley hopped off his seat and walked towards me. I was still sat down so I decided to jump off as well but failed. Bradley was already wrapping his arms my waist as my feet was dangling beside him.

"Jel, just believe in it," he whispered as she placed a soft kiss on my collar bone. My heart rate was beating faster then ever, as I bite my lip as I looked at him.

"I can't just believe," the words slipped off my tongue like I was throwing up a snake.

"You do believe in Neverland," he pointed out, "and Santa Claus."

"Yeah, because they're real!" I squealed as I swung my legs.

"Of course they are," he chuckled and kissed my cheek. He walked away from me grabbing my hand.

"Let's go," my bum slid off my seat as I was dragged by the blonde boy towards the crowd. My eyes found it's way to Perrie. She smiled and winked at me before speaking again.

My ears just blocked out everything. Everything was happening so slowly. Bradley would always look back at me and smile and I would send a fake one back. I wasn't in the mood anymore. Even though Bradley's and I's fingers were intertwined, I still managed to let go, and walk somewhere else. I, of course, walked over to the food table taking a can of coke, opening it and taking a large sip from it. I leaned against one of the tables, taking a sip every now and then. Bradley was walking towards me. He didn't bother me.

"What?" I snapped as I looked over to him.

He held up his hands in surrender.

"I'm sorry Bradley, I'm gonna go out for a bit," I smiled and patted his shoulder before going back to my seat getting my jacket, "If anyone asks, I'm outside, and please, I want to be alone."

He nodded, "Be careful," I smiled and hummed a yes. He planted a kiss on my forehead.

I walked out passing the guards that were giving me a nod and a smile. I sent fake ones back, before the cold air hitting me. I walked down the street and then stopping to sit on the curb which lead to a dead-end alley. I sat there watching cars run by and people rushing and walking past me. I hugged my coat tighter as the wind got stronger. 

The song Jealous by Labrinth came to mind. I started to hum the tune as my hair got blown by the wind. I'm jealous of the wind. That ripples through your clothes. It's closer than your shadow. The wind is free. It's freedom. It can go anywhere it likes, it can make nature beautiful.

I took my phone out my pocket and looked at the time. It was already 9:06. I've been sat here for about fortyfive minutes. I stood up, dusted my tutu and headed back inside, the warmth hitting me as soon as I pushed the doors open. I looked up from the ground.

My world stopped. Gravity felt like it didn't exist. I just wanted to curl up in a hole and die, once again. Why does everything happen to me? Is it a sign that I should or should not be on this earth. My blood run cold and so did my skin. Being pushed from all loved ones and into an empty spot where everything is being blocked out. I'm gone.

CLIFFHANGERR. I KNOW CONFUSING. CONFUSED MYSELF. SORRY FOR LATE UPDATE. read new blurb. going into the depressiony part of the story, if u don't like this kind of stuff you may delete this from your library now or after the next chapter. i had another thing to say but i've forgot.. 

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