Adopted or Kidnapped~ThirtySeven~

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i find this adorable? ^ (>)

listen to the song on the side rn : ever enough by a rocket to the moon

just to let you know  its 2016/2017 in this story... at the start it was 2014...

"Jessi?" I heard a knock on the door, making me huff. I placed my wheelchair against it to prevent people from coming in.

"What?" I snapped. I didn't know who it was. I just don't care about anything right now.

"Please open the door," he said again: Louis.

"No," I huffed, digging my face into my wet and stained pillow.

"Please," his voice was soft and caring.

"Is anyone else with you?" I asked.

"No," I slowly unwrapped myself from my blanket burrito, bringing my blanket with me. I rolled my wheelchair to the other side, opened it and sat down. I can't be bothered standing up, I'm too weak. I rolled myself to the door opened it slowly, making the door creek. I rolled myself back to my bed, getting out of my wheelchair, crawling back in my bed making myself back into a caterpillar. I heard the door close and my bed dip.

"I'm not comfortable now," I said as I frowned.

"Babe, look we heard what happened to Chloe, we-" he stopped when he saw the tears run down my cheeks. I swear I look like a scarecrow. Louis didn't say anymore, he just stood up, wrapping his arms around me. I took in his cologne and I cried. I know, that sounded weird. I cried into his shoulder, as he kept on whispering soothing words into my ear and then kissing my hair a few times. I pulled away, wiping my tears with my blanket, before pecking Louis' cheek.

"I'm sorry I made your shirt wet," I said as I pointed towards his shoulder. His grey t-shirt was now ruined by my salty tears.

"It's alright," he whispered as he rubbed my back, "Are you hungry? You haven't ate anything since you came back earlier."

"Kind of but I'll eat later, I just want to sleep," I said, making myself comfy. Louis nodded his head, and stood up to leave but I pulled his hand, "Please stay."

He nodded. I moved over for Louis to lay down. He made himself comfy, as who grabbed one of the pillows and leaning it against the frame of the bed. I turned around, facig opposite from him, and I felt his arm wrap around me.

"Sing to me," I pleaded as I played with his fingers. He nodded ad then took a breath before singing.

"No I'm never gonna leave you darling

No I''m never gonna go regardless

Everything inside of me is living in you heartbreak

Even when all the lights are fading

Even then if your hope was shaking

I'm here holding on

I will always be yours forever and more

Through the push and the pull

I still drown love in you love

And drink 'til I'm drunk

And all that I've done

It is ever enough,"

By the end of the chorus I fell alseep, closing my eyes going into deep slumber


I heard a loud snort next to me, making my joilt up. I opened my eyes and saw someone's chest looking at me. I looked up seeing Niall next to me, sleeping. I turned around slowly, also seeing a sleeping Louis. I quietly took Louis' arm off me, before sitting up seeing Zayn, Harry and Liam snuggled up at the foot of the bed. Who knew, fitting five grown men and a teenage girl in a queen size bed. Okay sounded weird. Like ew. 

I chuckled lightly, grabbing my phone, trying to avoid Niall, and then logging onto it, putting my passcode in. I looked at the time and it's already 6:00pm. I went onto the Instagram scrolling through my feed and then following some people back. I went off and went onto Twitter, scrolling through my timeline and then retweeting a few tweets and following some fans back. 

While I was still on my phone, I decided to download Snapchat again and use my old profile I used. I had Snapchat a while back a few years ago, but I never went on it, so I deleted the app but not my account. I logged in my username : JelyWelyx , and suprisingly got my password correct. I went on all my social media accounts and told everyone to add me, and so they did. I put my story as in everybody can see it, but I didn't allow people to send my snaps though. 

I took a selfie which included sleeping Niall and sleeping Louis and didn't put a caption but I used an eomji that monkey one that covers it's mouth. I sent it on my story and then posting another snap of the three below us, snuggled up to each other. After I went on Instagram, and going on to some one direction fan accounts they have already screenshot my photo and posted it. I shut off my phone and then turning over to lay on my side, facing Niall. 

I tried to fall back to sleep but I never could. I sit up, straight and then gently kicking Liam, who was closet to me, below my feet. 

"Go away Zayn," he mumbled as he turned the other way facing Zayn.

"What do you want Liam?" Zayn mumbled also as he slowly faced him, pushing him away slightly. Liam groaned and then fell back asleep as also Zayn.

 I huffed looking over to Niall and then pushing off the bed, making a loud 'thud' on the floor, also making everyone wake up. I looked over to the bed, Niall fell on his bed and he started to make weird noises with his mouth. 

"Mate, you okay?" Liam asked, not getting up to help but just sit there asking.

"Yeah, I'm alright, just been pushed by Jessibella," he said sarcastically. All their eyes fell onto me, scaring my soul.

"You guys wouldn't wake up, so I decided to push Niall off the bed," I said quietly, my throat felt croaky, ew gross.

"Why couldn't you push Louis?" Niall asked as he stood up. I shrugged my shoulders, looking over to Louis.

"Because, she loves me more than you," Louis teased. Niall rolled his eyes and smiled. He sat back down and then wrapped his arms around me, embracing me into a hug. I hugged his back, smiling taking in his sense.

"Why are you smelling me?" he asked, pulling away. Stupid nostrils.

"Yeah, why do you smell people, you smelt me when I was hugging you, are you okay?" Louis asked.

"Girls have nostrils. Boys smell nice. See the combination?" I asked, also using my hands as a demonstration. They laughed at me. Oh wow, nice going Jessibella.

"Stop bullying okay?"

omg im literally crying. my friend is snapping me what happened to my crush after school. he apparently fainted omfg she snapping me now

btw everything i  this story is made up except from real people okay? okay.

haha tfios. im such a dork


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