Adopted or Kidnapped~ThirtySix~

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Mariella's phones rang. She sent me an apologetic look but I smiled. She stood up taking her phone and answering it.

"Hello? Dad?"

I went off back into my thoughts. I didn't question Mari which Jay it was. We talked for at least ten more minutes before her phone rang.

I was surprised hearing Jay having sex with Olive. Olive is such a beautiful girl, of course Jay would pick her. But then again, Olive got raped, he would feel sorry, and of course love her more.

"Jessi, I'm sorry, I have to go, In just going to say a quick goodbye to a Olive then i'll be on my way," she said as she neared me. I stood up, opening my arms wide.

"Oh okay, anyway I think I'll be going too, Harry just had to sign some papers and we'll be on our way,"

She wrapped her arms around me, hugging me. She murmured something into my shoulder but I couldn't quite get it.

"Text me okay?" she questioned and I nodded. She walked away in the the fueds of nurses, doctors and patients and then taking a sharpe right. I sat back down in my chair, and then suddenly standing gaining my balance. I walked over to Harry, and told them i'll be back in ten minutes, they nodded and asked if i need my wheelchair but i denied and said no.

I tried my best, making my quickest way to Olive's room. I checked if Mariella was stil there, but she just left and headed in the opposite direction where I was. I walked over, slowly tto the door, let out a sigh and then knocked quietly. I heard a soft 'come in'. I opened the door, seeing Olive's grey eyes stare at me. Her eyes lite up as she saw me.

"Jessibella," she whisoered, a smile appearing on her lips.

"Olly," I smiled back, walking slowly at then, grabbing the foot of the bed, gaining my balance.

"Are you okay?" she asked, her hand rubbing over her belly. I small baby bump was already forming. I smiled from her belly to her face.

"Yeah, just learning how to walk again," I said with a little bit of enthusiastic and sleepiness.

"I heard," I looked over to the side of the bed, seeing Jay sleeping in the chair as he helps Olive's fragile hand.

"Oh, this is Jay," he said. Jay looked so different the last time I saw him. I smiled.

"Yeah, I know," I walked over to the opposite side of the bed.

"Oh, I remember, on the first day you came to our school, he was with you, if he your cousin?" she asked, as she looked over at him, whispering.

"No really, kind of friends, but we just think as each other as brother and sister," I whispered back. The words syung me. I just remember loving him, him always being there for me until he got fostered. My memory was kind of coming back, so I just remember a few things. She nodded, understanding as she rubbed her belly.

"So you dating anyone?" he asked as she wiggled her eyebrows at me.

I saw Bradley's eye open, knowing he's awake and would here what I would say, "In fact, I am," I said as I smiled.



Jay groaned and I rolled my eyes. I looked over at him as so did Olive.

"Babe, how you doing?" he acted as though he hasn't noticed I was into the room until he stood up and looked at me.

"Jella?" she questioned, "I haven't seen you since.. i don't even know, come here," he said with wide arms, walking towards. I stood up, opening my arms wide as I smiled. His arms were wrapped my waist, as I flung mine around his shoudlers. He squeezed me, making me squeal.

"Oh and babe, I'm alright," Olive said as she giggled, seeing that the question he asked, flew out of his mind. I broke the hug, as Bradley shot me a glare but I sent a confused one at him. He looked over to Olive and shown her a cheeky smile before pecking her lips, and then he lightly kicked my foot, on purose though.

"Well, I better be going, Elise and Harry are waiting I told them I would be back in few minutes," I suddenly started to feel awkward, as I slowly made my way to the door.

"Jessi?" I turned around seeing that Bradley was back in his original seat, "give me hug before you go,"

I smiled as I got my balance again, walking over to Olive and then bending over to hug her, she gave a tight squeeze, "Bradley Witerspoon?" she whispered, I nodded as I felt her smile on my cheeks. She let go of me. I waved one last goodbye to HER. Only her before leaving the room. leaving them to have their lovely dovely moment. I placed my ear against the the door. Shit, the door was soundproof. I looked around before sitting on the ground, laying her head onto the side, to head through the little whole under the door.

"I love you Ols," I heard a little smooch going on. Ew.

"I love you Jay," I heard Olive giggle as I heard them smooch again. There was silence until Jay spoke up.

"Babe, please don't talk to Jessibella," I was shocked at his use of words. Does he hate me?

"What, why?" she questioned. I could hear the softness in her voice as though she was scared of Jay.

"Just don't, you know what she been though, I just care about you so mu-"

"First of all, how is her life, stopping me from talking to her. I know her life was and whats he's been though, but how does it affect me. It does kind of effect me because I did say some harsh words to her, and did bully her in high school. You may be blind but I'm trying to talk to Jessi because I just want her to take all those bad memories of me out of her mind. I just want to start over with her, being normal friends and your here making me loose the connection with me and Jess. You know what, I don't care what you do to Jessibella, you may break her, but I'll be there to pick up the pieces you broke and put them back together and you won't stop me,"

I heard Jay huff in annoyance, and loud footsteps walking towards the door.

I quickly tired standing up and waking hurriedly towards the nearest door to my right. I opened it, seeing nothing but darkness. I closed the door silently. I turned on the lights seeing Chloe's bald head popping out the bed sheet.

"Princess?" I asked, as I slowly walked towards her, sometimes stumbling because I haven't quite got my balance yet. 

I smiled at thr sight of her, her blue eyes shimmering as she looked at me and smiled. 

"Jella, hi," she said back as she sat herself up, and smiled. 

"Why were you in the dark?" I asked, as I sat down next to her on the bed.

"My Doctor turned the lights off, and left me in here," she said as she looked into my eyes.

"Why would he do that?" I asked as I reached out to touch her cheek, but suddenly my hand went through her, touching nothing but air. 

Tears started to come out my eyes one by one, as my hand covered my mouth, to cover me from screaming.

"Don't cry Jessi, I'm going to cry," she whispered. I remember those woords from nearly three years ago, when she said goodbye to me when she was leaving the foster home. 

The other hand was resting on the bed, I watched her as she put her fragile hand put over mine, but  I could not feel anything but something cold. 

"Bradley wanted me to give you this," I turned over my hand, as something silver fell into my palm. I silver Pandora braclet was now in my hands. It was simply only a few beads were onit, just simple ones, "He put in under my pillow, so I decided to give it to you."

"Why me?" I asked, as I admired to the beautiful beads and chains. 

"I don't know, something inside me, gave me the feeling to give it to you," she looked at me. Tears were still pouring out my eyes, I stayed silent as I looked at Chloe

hope you liked this chapter, its boring i know.



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