Adopted or Kidnapped~TwentyTwo~

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"...Bradley and I are dating..." 

I bit my lips, not wanting a bad reaction.

Soon enough, I saw all of them jump up and down. Is this a good thing or a a bad thing?

"Eleanour wanted this in the first place!" Louis squealed, "I'm going to call her right now," 

Louis ran out of the room and into the kitchen.

"When did this happen?" Niall asked, smiling.

"Um.. last night?" Bradley said.

"Aww cute!" Liam coo'ed.

"Eleanour would be here in 10 minutes!" Louis said coming in from the kitchen.

"The girls would be here too!" Zayn said. When he said 'girls' he meant Perrie, Jade, Jesy and Leigh-Anne. 

"C'mon, you guys don't have to tell the whole world," I said.

"We won't," they said, smiling.

"You better not," I said pointing my fingers to all of them. I heard Bradley chuckle beside me.

"Jella, I don't think they wouldn't," I heard Bradley gently say in my ear.

I nodded and kissed his cheek.

"Guys, I know you two a illegal to have sex but please no sex here, or anywhere," I head Harry said. I gasped hearing his words.

"Harry! What the f- heak?!" I said shotting him daggers and smirking at the same.

"Oh, please no," I heard Niall say.

"Niall, I promise I won't be having sex yet, in this year or even next year," I said running to Niall and jumping into his arms, leaving Bradley.

I saw Niall look over to Bradley and raise his eyebrows.

"Woah, why you looking at me for?" he asked, throwing his hands up in surrender, "Only joking, it would be her choice not mine,"  

I rolled my eyes and walked back over to Bradley, "So when are they coming, I haven't seen them in ages!" 

"The last time you saw them was last Monday," Liam explained, "Which is only 6 days,"

"That's a long time," I said as I leaned my head on Bradley's shoulder.

"No it's not, it's basicall-" 

Zayn was cut off by the door opening, revealing 5 familiar faces.

"Girls!" I squealed, getting out of my seat and hugging the first girl I saw, which was Jesy.

"Hey baby girl," she said and then pecked my cheek.

"Hi Jes," I smiled. 

I all hugged them, also having a mini conversation with them all, and then walking back to my original seat.

"I heard the news!" Leigh-Ann said as she clapped her hands in excitement.

"Yeah, I'm goin-" I was interrupted by the girls squealing. 

"You and Bradley are dating," Perrie's british voice rang my ears.

"Yeah.." Bradley said.

"That is so cute!" Eleanor said. "Did you get my present?" 

"Yeah,  love it!" I said, as I looked at the VANS that were on the floor.

"Talking about presents, here you go!" Jade said as she gave me a light pink box. I opened and it revealed a perfect white and blue dress (on side).

"It's beautiful," I said as I took it out. I hugged Jade, "Your just perfect," 

"Oh, babe, your just as perfect, you'll be wearing that tonight with you date with Bradley," she winked.

"Oh, just wait," she said. I looked over to Bradley and he had his cute innocent face on.

"Here you go!" Jesy said with a big wide smile on her face. She handed me a black black box. 

I opened it and pink tissue paper was wrapped around it. It was the shoes I've always wanted. I stood up and wrapped my arms around her neck. (on side)

"Thank you, thank you, thank you so much!" I said squeezing her.

"No problem, girl," she said as she hugged back. = disconnected our hug and I sat back down in my seat. 

"I didn't really get you something but I made these!" Leigh-Anne shown be black cup filled with Minnie-Mouse cake pops. 

"I love you so much!" I said, "I didn't know you could bake,"

"I don't, my mum helped me with them before she left to back home," she explained, "Well, here, they're really tasty," 

I took one from the cup and took a bit of it, "Hmm, oh my gosh that is so nice! Try it!" 

I smiled and placed it against Bradley's lips and he bit it, he nodded still chewing on it.

"Aww, they are just adorable," Leigh-Anne said smiling.

"Jella, me and the guys will be going out for bit with the girls, we'll be back in about 3 hours, I promise," Niall said getting ready.

"We'll all got to dinner than you and Bradley can have your date," Jade's south-shield's accent filled the room.

I rolled my eyes and nodded. 

"Bye guys!" Bradley said waving.

"Bye, no funny business alright," Zayn said raising his eyes brows and pointing his finger to both of us.

"Remember our conversation before, please not in the house, or even anywhere," Harry said smirking.

"There will be no promises!" I yelled before all of them went out the door.

"So I'll call the others," Bradley said.


Bradley and I heard all of the guys talking about them leaving for a few hours for my 'supirsed party'. 

Bradley called everyone over. Only a few friends, no many. 



Sorry for the long wait! I've been sorting out the order I'll be updating :

-You think I'm Sweet? n.h

-This book 

-Oh, you're a fighter? h.s

-Next Stop, London l.p

-We all have Secrets z.m

-Party Animal l.t

I'm not promising I'll be updating every day.. but I'll be updating each once a week.. If you get it... 

I know it's shorts but yeah.. Sorry


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