Adopted or Kidnapped~TwentyFour~

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The blonde boy, Bradley, pushed me around the hospital. We got some smiles and some 'awwh's' as we went round. I smile back and waved to some other patients and members of the hospital.

Bradley kept staring at me and smiling, but when ever I look back at him, he would always look away, like nothing happened.

We reached a room that said across it 'Room 216'. He knocked on it loudly and we heard a faint "come in". Itwisted the door knob and Bradley wheeled me in. I saw a little girl about 8, laying on the hospital bed. She looked up and her eyes widened with happiness.

"Jessibella? Your awake!" she squealed. I guess this is Chloe.

"Yeah, I am," I said as I smiled. Bradley wheeled me to the side of the bed and left me there and walked to the other side. He kissed Chole's forehead and whispered some words in her ear. Her lips formed an 'o' shape which left me confused but I shrugged it off. Bradley pulled away and sat down on the chair next to the bed.

"So, how long have you been in the hospital?" I asked.

"Same time as you, after you go hit," she explained smiling. She scratched her bald head. A couple walked into the room and had big wide smiles on their face as their eyes landed on me.

"Jessibella!" the woman said, she came over and hugged me.

"Hi," I said.

"How you feeling," the man said.

"I'm good, at lot better actually, my legs feel numb and these bruises hurt," I explained.

I looked over to Bradley and gave him a confused look.

"Jess, this are my parents: Stevie and Ben," he explained.

"Oh right, well hello," I said waving. I saw a little boy peep out from Ben's leg and then smile.

"Joey?!" I heard Chloe scream.

"Chloe!" the little boy, who looked like the same age as Chloe ran up to her and gave her hug trying to avoid the wires.

I let out a small 'awh' as I looked at them. Joey had blonde hair and blue, shining eyes. She smiled at him.

"I got you something!" he squealed jumping onto her bed. He took something out his pocket a placed it in her hands. It was a smashed up daisy. Awwh!

"I guess it's dead," he said, "but I made you this too!"

He took something from his neck and put it around Chloe's neck. It was a neckalce with multicoloured beads on it. I smiled and cheered. Joey gave me a confused look but then gave me a cheerful smile.

"Oh, this is Jella, Bradley's girlfriend," Chole explained to him. Joey's lips formed an 'o' shape but my eyes widened.

I looked at Bradley and back at Chole. She was too busy having a chatty conversation with Joey. I looked over to Stevie and Ben and they were having at very serious conversastion. Bradley stood up.

"I guess we should go," he said and wheeled my wheelchair out of the room. He walked over the hospital slowly and it the air was just filled with beeps of heart monitors and nurses and doctors muttering.

"Can I trust you?" Bradley asked, ot of the blue.

"Um.. I don't know.. yeah," I said turning around to look at him.

"Well, I have to have a yes or no answer," he said.

"Yes," I said moments later.

"Chole only has 2 weeks left," he blurted out quietly.

Adopted or Kidnapped *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now