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Jungkook grabbed the door to the rooftop and twisted it. He opened the door and was greeted by a bright ray from the sun and cool summer breeze.

He heaved a deep breath to catch his breath. Beads of sweat rolling down his face but was soon wiped by the back of his hand. He seriously don't want to do this but what can he do? He'd rather do this than let Taehyung go after Jimin that might worsen his sprained ankle.

He looked for Jimin immediately but found him nowhere the space which leads him to sigh. He was about to turn around and look for the shorter male in other parts of the hospital or just call him but he suddenly heard a faint sobs coming from the little room which seems to be a storage room.

He's stupid for not checking that place. His feet brought him to the storage room and there he saw a petite body hugging his self.

He cleared his throat and stared a few minute at the man in front of him before calling him by his name. "Jimin hyung."

Jimin sniffed and lifted his head up. His eyes were puff red and his face was stained with tears. Jungkook didn't understand where does this urge to embrace Jimin and comfort him come from but seeing Jimin so vulnerable like this, he just wanted to held him close to him and wipe those tears away.

Yet, he's Jungkook. He's "madly inlove" with Taehyung so he restrain his self from doing so. Instead he fished out his handkerchief and handed them to Jimin while looking away.

"He might think I'm weird." Jungkook thought.

Jimin stared at the hand handing him a handkerchief. He sniffed and stood up. He slapped Jungkook's hand and walked out of the storage room as he wiped his tears. He don't want to be fooled and be confused by the younger's actions anymore.

Afterall, he's decided to move on from Jungkook right at this moment. He just so mentally drained with all the pain from his one-sided love with Jungkook.

If Jungkook and him is not really meant for each other, he's not going to push it any further. He's come to realize that Jungkook will never be his, like ever. He decided to give up already. He thinks he had already done enough damage his self and he doesn't  want to destroy his self any longer.

The longer he's in love with Jungkook, the more he will hurt his self. He have already spend a lot of nights shedding all those tears and his confidence has already dropped to the lowest with all the insults that the younger had thrown to him.

Jungkook run after Jimin and grabbed his hand. "What the fuck was that?! Can't you see I was trying to be atleast a gentleman to you?!" Jungkook exclaimed with knitted eyebrows as he stared at Jimin's amber orbs that's filled with tears.

"Exactly! Just go back to being a complete jerk to me. Stab me with your words, drown me with your glares and eye rolls, and fucking push me away like you always do because every fucking time you try to be friendly with me, it gives me high hopes and all the 'what ifs'. So, fuck off." Jimin yelled and harshly take his hand away from Jungkook's grip. Jungkook rolled his eyes and scoffed.

He grabbed Jimin by the arm once again and turn him around. "Will you already stop being a drama queen? I just came here to explain what you saw right there. I was the one who initiated the kiss, infact Tae hyung even refuse to kiss me but I caught him off guard. So don't blame Taehyung and act like a bitch with him and ignore him. If it wasn't because of Tae hyung, do you think I'll act all sweet to you? Do you think I'll find you or even chase after you? Fucking hell no, Jimin. You're just nothing to me. A nobody. A stranger. That's what you are to me." Jungkook said as he send daggers to Jimin.

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