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Jimin and Hoseok looked back to the door and they panicked. Hoseok attempted to get up, forgetting that Jimin is still on top of him, as a result their forehead bump making Jimin fall to the floor, butt first.

"Fuck!" Jimin cursed.

Hoseok tried to catch him but it's too late, Jimin's butt has already landed on the floor. Hoseok flashed Jimin an apologetic look. and Jimin just smiled at him.

"W-what did I just witnessed?" Namjoon stuttered not believing what he just witnessed. It's not that the two are naked and eating each other out but the scene displayed right in front of him just literally shooked the hell out of him.

To see Hobi and Jimin in such position is weird. Sure, Namjoon noticed the two were becoming so close to each other, but what he saw... it's the least thing Namjoon expected.

"Joon, it's not what you think it is." Hoseok told him but it seems like Namjoon was thinking the way it is. What could have happened if he had not entered the room?

"Did you two j-justㅡ are you two dating or something?" Namjoon looked at the pair with wide eyes and hands on top of his mouth.



Hoseok and Jimin shouted in unison as they shooked their heads frantically.

"Hyung, believe me I just tripped. You know how clumsy I am." Jimin reasoned out as he looked at Namjoon seriously praying so hard to Buddha that Namjoon will believe him.

"By any chance, do you two planned to do it? I mean if I didn'tㅡ" Hoseok interrupted Namjoon.

"No, what the hell Namjoon?!" Hoseok raised his voice to Namjoon making the latter gulped. Hoseok may be a complete sunshine but believe me you don't want him angry or else he'll literally turn into a strong and disastrous hurricane.

Jimin jumped from his place as Hoseok raised his voice. He was scared of Hoseok for 0.001 seconds and at the same time hurt of how Hoseok defensively and aggressively said no.

Jimin knows Hoseok just don't want Namjoon to think that there's something between them but his insecurities is eating him up.

"I guess I really am ugly and fat even Hoseok hyung don't like the idea of me being his boyfriend or something." Jimin thought.

"Hyung, chill. I just thought, you know." Namjoon said as he cleared his throat. "But it's not bad though, it would be free porn on the house." Namjoon added jokingly earning a death glare from Hoseok.

"Hyung, I swear It's not what you think it is... I was just going to cove--" Before Jimin could finish his statement, Namjoon was laughing. He cleared his throat after recieving stares from the two.

"Anyways, come down now. Dinner is ready." He said but look at Hoseok and Jimin with a teasing face and the two mentally face palmed.

"You know... you can continue your business later and sorry for interrupting." He said as he wiggles his eyebrows and winked before walking out and close the door behind him.

Jimin let out a deep breathe, he didn't even know he has been holding earlier. Hoseok just chuckled at how cute Jimin look with his frustrated face. Hoseok doesn't really mind Namjoon teasing them.

"Don't worry too much about it, you know how Namjoon is." Hoseok said as he ruffled Jimin's hair.

Hoseok walked towards the door and twisted the knob. "Come on, it's dinner time!" He yelled. Jimin just shake his head and followed him.

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