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"Hyung, can we talk?"

Jungkook asked as he approached Jimin. The older looked up and meet the maknae's eyes. He continued staring at the younger man before slowly nodding.  "Uhhh... How about a talk in a cafe?" The maknae asked and all the older did was nod.

He just can't believe it. It was Jungkook who initiated to talk to him after exactly three weeks of completely ignoring his existence, not as if the younger really talks or paid attention to him even before the confession but you get it. He was just completely weirded out by Jungkook's action.

Jimin followed Jungkook behind, thinking what happened to the younger.

"Did he ate something bad? Is he drunk or is he high? Did he bump his head or his other head on the wall? or is he possessed?"

Jimin's mind was flooded with questions and he's compketely not aware of his surrounding but he was interrupted soon when he bump into a hard rock wall or should I say chest but it kinda felt like a wall but It's a chest.

Turns out it was Jungkook's chest he bumped into. Ater he realized it, he immediately apologized, afraid that he might anger the younger and get shouted and get embarrassed.

But it was weird because instead of Jungkook rolling his eyes or getting angry and annoyed, the younger smiled but with a hint of worry in his face.

"Are you okay hyung?" The younger asked as he step closer to check on the older but Jimin step back.

"Tell me, am i dreaming? This is not the reality, right? Can you uhhh... pinch me?" Jimin said as he unbelievably and weirdly looked at Jungkook. The maknae chuckled.

"Oh that heavenly sound, feels like angels singing together." Jimin thought.

Jungkook step closer to Jimin and pinch his cheeks and cooed. " Aigoo, why are you so cute and adorable, hyung." The maknae said and ruffled Jimin's hair but the older immediately hold Jungkook's big and veiny hands.

"D-don't do that."  Jimin said as blood rushed to his cheeks.
"Okay, if you say so. Let's go inside?" Jimin nodded.

The maknae opened the door and waited for Jimin to enter with a smile on his face. That kind of smile that a person shares to his lover, that kind of smile.

Jimin would be lying if he doesn't like this or feel butterflies because he absolutely do but ue still finds the situation weird and ridiculous and unbelievable. Everything feels like a dream, a very weird yet beautiful dream.

But if ever this is really just a dream, he don't want this to end, he don't wanna wake up. To wake up from his dreams and fantasies and face the cold reality. The fact that there's no holy grizzly way that the maknae will look and smile at him with his eyes twinkling like stars. As if the other were madly and crazily in live with him.

It's just way too, too impossible for Jungkook to look at Jimin and smile and with love in his eyes. That is way too surreal.

"Hyung, I'll order, can you find a seat?" Jungkook asked and Jimin nodded.

"Can I have one iced americano, one strawberry smoothie and chocolate cake please." The maknae stated as the lady infront of him take his order. He handed her his credit card and get his order.

Meanwhile Jimin was looking around finding a comfortable seat when he saw an available seat on the very corner of the cafe next to a window where he can see people walking but they will still  go unnoticeable for sure.

Sitting in the corner beside a window while sipping a strawberry smoothie with a chocolate cake in this slightly hot weather. That's his big ass mood at the moment, actually.

Now that he thought of strawberry smoothie, he forgot to tell Jungkook his order. "So stupud of me." He mumbled to himself.

"Hyung you still like strawberry smoothie with chocolate cake, right?" Jungkook asked as soon as he spotted Jimin and walked towards him. The older looked at him a little bit taken aback but slowly nod his head.

"Is he a mind reader? How did he know I was craving for that? And most of all how did he know I like strawberry smoothie with chocolate cake?" Jimin wondered. How exactly did he know that? Now, it really feels like a dream because there's no fryin' chicken holy way the maknae would know that.

"You're probably wondering about how I know  that you like drinking your strawberry smoothie while munching chocolate cake." Jungkook said as he looked at Jimin and chuckled. "Y-yes, I am." Jimin stuttered.

"Who would not remember though? That's what you always order everytime we all go to this cafe before we debuted, guess even up until now you still like it."

Jimin was speechless. Who would expect that Jeon Jungkook, that kid who is always annoyed by his presence, always yell at him, and the kid who hates him will remember a little piece of information about him? No one.

"Ooh" Jimin can't hide the blush that is confidently creeping its way to his pale cheeks. He just can't believe the younger remembered that.

This, everything that happened today felt like a dream, way too surreal, too unbelievable to thinks it's real.

"What are we going to talk about anyways?" Jimin asked as he looked away while sipping his strawberry smoothie, trying to avoid eye contact with Jungkook.

"About us."

"Take me to the clouds, and hope my love will be found."



Sorry for this short update :(
And thank you so so much for reading and supporting this book even though it lacks a lot 💜

I'll try my hardest to improve and update :)

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