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Jimin never thought he would ever fall in love.

Actually he made a promise to himself to never fall in love to anyone no matter what. He have seen a lot of romantic relationships that failed and only ended up a disaster. This failed relationships which he had witness while growing up had caused him to not ever believe in love nor in falling in love.

But somehow this one particular guy made him break his own rule. Do not fall in love no matter what, that is. 

He don't know how did it all started or when all hell break loose for him but it did.

He have fallen in love. 

Pretty hard.

And what's worse was he was all alone in this game. Out of 7.9 billion people he could've fallen in love, it was someone who will never look his way. He belong to the roughly 98 percent of the population that has been on either one or both sides of an unrequited love. And it was so unlucky of him.

The first time Jimin laid his eyes on the younger, he felt a sudden wave of emotion that he never had felt all his life after him.

After Jimin met the younger, nothing or no one else run through Jimin mind but the younger man. Jungkook just suddenly crashed into Jimin's life without a warning and made Jimin felt a roller coaster ride of emotions.

Ever since high school Jimin knew he's gay. He came out to his parents, gladly they accepted him for who he was. His parents said no matter what he is, he is still their child. He was so happy that time hearing that his parents accepted his sexuality.

Jimin is a talented man. He has a great passion for dance and he got this angelic voice that could literally put you to sleep and bring heaven to you. His teacher saw his potential and told him to audition to entertainment companies and Jimin did with his parents on full support to him. He got accepted to Bighit and passed and became the member of the band BTS which has seven members.

After he got accepted as the seventh member he was introduced to other 6 guys and there everything started. Not only to his career but as well as falling  insanely deep for the man he met for the first time.

Jeon Jungkook.


Jimin forgot to set an alarm which made him woke up so late. Today he is gonna live in a dorm with his band members and you don't know how much thankful Jimin that he and Tae got on the same band but that's not the point now. The point is... he's freaking late!!

Jimin was glad that he had fixed all the things he's gonna bring beforehand and all he's gonna bother now is taking a bath and make himself presentable.

Minutes later, the young man arrived at the location of the dorm and he's now currently in front of it. Jimin hesitated for a bit if should he knock or not? He's really nervous as he didn't really know anyone in the group except for Taehyung which was his bestfriend since middle school.

But before he could even knock, a tall guy with eyeglasses twisted the door knob for Jimin and gave him a "are-you-going-in-or-not?" look. Jimin gulped. He pulled his small luggage where all his necessities are.

The guy clapped his hand and made a loud sound.

"Y'all boys gather here." the guy announced which made the 5 guys gather around including his bestfriend who gave a sweet smile to Jimin and cute little wave.

'Wait I thought there's six members?? where's the other one?' Jimin thought

"I'm Kim Jinwoo and I'll be your manager." After the tall guy introduced himself the guys greeted Jinwoo including Jimin. Jinwoo looked over at his side at stare at Jimin.

"I guess your Park Jimin?" Jinwoo asked and received a nod from the smaller guy. Jinwoo let Jimin introduce himself and left the dorm.

As soon as their manager left, Taehyung went to Jimin and engulf him in a tight warm hug. They all greeted each other when suddenly Kim Seokjin, the guy with pouty lips and utterly handsome features ask.

"Where's Jungko---" Before he could even finish his sentence a cute young man with innocent face and beautiful doe eyes came into the picture with his hair completely messy and disheveled.

"I'm here" He said with a husky voice. "Sorry I overslept. By the way, I'm Jeon Jungkook. The maknae, the main vocalist and center." Jungkook said as he stretched out his hands while he looked at Jimin with his innocent boba eyes.

And Jimin swear he could hear his heart blasting through his ribcage, a wave of electricity run down his veins sending tingles to his every cells causing an explosion of butterflies coming out from their crystalis.

"I-I'm Park J-Jimin."

Little did he know this will be the start of his unending late night silent cries.

"I didn't see it coming. I'm afraid there's no breaking free."

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