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It's been four days since the fight at the hospital and Taehyung was discharge a little later after Jungkook came down from the rooftop. Taehyung's sprained ankle and arm is slowly healing. It was not as swollen as it was before but he still needs to rest.

It's also exactly been four days since Jimin begun invading Jungkook's mind especially the kiss. The feeling of Jimin's pillow like lips, Jungkook still feels it. How the butterflies exploded inside his tummy and just like how his heart beat so rapidly after the little stunt Jimin did. Now, Jungkook is conflicted.

"I don't like him or even love him in a romantic way. No, wtf, no. That's disgusting Jungkook. You hate him." Jungkook mumbled as he walked down the stairs.

"Fuck, you're messing with my mind Park Jimin." Jungkook whispered to his self and groaned

The feeling he feels, it's strange and foreign. He never felt this way towards Jimin before.

And Jimin. God, it's been four days since the thing that happened in the hospital yet he's still haven't gone home to their dorm which really worries Hoseok, Taehyung, especially Jungkook. The last time he saw Jimin, he was crying and it's all because of him.

He's feeling guilty and maybe a "little" worried or maybe he is worried about the older a lot yet he just don't want to clearly admit that he's really worried sick.

He knocked on Namjoon's room and earned a faint "come in" from the older. Namjoon is sitting on the black leather couch as his both feet lying comfortably on top of the wooden table. A spec was placed on top of his nose bridge as he holds a thick book. His lips formed a little pout with his eyebrows knitted. It was a cute sight.

As Namjoon sensed Jungkook entered his room, he lowered his specs and looked at the maknae as he put down his books and withdraw his feet that's on top of the wooden table.

"Oh, Jungkook-ah. What is it?" Namjoon asked as he fixed his self and offered Jungkook a seat.

"Namjoon hyung, is Jimin hyung not home yet?" Jungkook asked as he looked directly at Namjoon's eyes looking for answers.

Namjoon grabbed the eyeglasses that's resting on his nose, placed it on top of the book and ruffled his midnight blue hair. "For the tenth time, no, he's still not home yet."

Jungkook run his fingers through his hair. "Do you not know where he is?" Namjoon sighed. This has been going on since they all got home from the hospital and he really looks so conflicted. He has been out of focus and drifting, too. Like a lot.

It was weird. It's insanely weird hearing Jungkook look for Jimin and with worry. The maknae, he doesn't even give a fuck about Jimin or his whereabouts before. He doesn't even care if Jimin accidentally cut himself or come home late late at night, so what happened?

"Seriously, Jungkook-ah. What's going on between you? What's going on you? You're being weird this past four days. What happened? Did something wrong happened between you and Jimin?" Namjoon asked as he let himself lean to the soft cushion.

"Just... just I-I don't know, hyung. Can youㅡ just tell me if you know where he is. Him, being not home is bugging me so much."

"I'm sorry. I don't really know where he is." Jungkook again, sighed. He never felt this frustrated even with all the stress with work. His mind is being a complete wreck. Jimin has been filling his mind since after the confession.

Jungkook sat on the swiveled chair just beside Namjoon and lowered his head as he ruffled his hair. Namjoon looked at him, worried.

"You can always tell me what's wrong, Jungkook. I'll listen." Namjoon's voice was calm and it just soothes and somewhat relaxes Jungkook. He lifted his head and heaved a loud sigh.

Namjoon just observed Jungkook. The younger has never been in this way before. He is always secretive and never shows what he's really feeling inside. He's always composed.

Jungkook told Namjoon everything that happened in the hospital. Jungkook expected Namjoon to react yet he didn't, he just listened like he always have. He's calm just like how a good leader is.

"Hyung, I-I don't know what to do or even think anymore. I'm just so confused. He's been on my mind after that and maybe I am feeling guilty. Fuck! I think I'm going crazy." Namjoon grab a few sheets of tissue paper and handed them to Jungkook. The maknae looked at him, confused. Namjoon smiled.

"You're crying, Jungkook-ah." Namjoon said. Jungkook touched his face and he's face is stained with tears. Jungkook wiped his tears with the tissue that RM handed him and laughed.

"Damn, I'm really going crazy." He said as he stood from his seat and said goodbye to Namjoon and walk out of the older's room.

Namjoon stared at Jungkook's broad back and sighed.

Hoseok was coming down stairs with a black duffel bag on his right hand and his another hand holding a phone. Jungkook walked past him and that caught his eye. The younger looked like a mess. His hair is disheveled and he looked like he is crying.

"What's going on to that kid?" Hoseok mumbled to himself as he walked to the kitchen. He grabbed an apple from the refrigerator and took a bite then walked out of the kitchen and directly went to the door and twisted it.

He have to go somewhere.


"I'm sorry again for crashing in so suddenly. There's just... I just have a lot of things going on my mind and your place is the only place I remembered that's perfect to think things over. " A soft sweet voice said as he sat down on the chair. He looked at the guy in front of him with an apron on top of his black hoodie.

"Hyung, seriously. You've been telling me that for a hundredth time now. I don't mind having you here, in fact I really love you being here, I really love your company." Seojun said as he place a plate infront of Jimin with a perfectly cooked pancake.

"Really? Isn't it weird though?" Jimin said as he opened his mouth and ate the pancake. Seojun looked at him and chuckled.

"You know what, I just confirmed that you're really my Jimin hyung. You always worry about a lot of useless things but never really worry about yourself. " Seojun stated as he grabbed the chair that's infront of Jimin and sat down.

"Bub, I mean it when I said I enjoy and love you being here with me in this house. Afterall, this is not just mine. It's yours, too." Seojun added while seriously staring at Jimin.  Jimin giggled and stood from his seat just to ruffle Seojun's soft and fluffy hair. "Okay, I'll stop." The action made the younger blushed. Jimin still has the effect on him.

"But, seriously Seojun-ah. You don't feel awkward or weird being around me? I mean I'm your ex-fiancè." Jimin said as he looked straight at Seojun's orbs.

"Sometimes what you're searching for, is right where you left it."


Hope you are all doing well💜
Always stay safe and stay hydrated 'coz h2o need some love.

Thanks for reading.

I purple you all💜

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