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"What? Did I do wrong?" He asked. Jimin shook his head and chuckled. "Nothing. It's just that you're acting like my jealous boyfriend or something." The smaller man stated and grabbed the handle of the door and was about to walked out along with Taehyung when a hand grabbed his wrist.

Taehyung was about to react to Jimin when he saw a hand gripping Jimin's wrist. He look up and saw it was the maknae. His eyebrows furrowed. What does he need? He mentally asked himself as he balled his fist and clenched his teeth.

"Hyung, are you going somewhere?" The maknae asked. His eyes focused on Jimin's amber orbs. Jimin awkwardly stood there, frozen on his spot. The way Jungkook grips his hands sends shivers down to his spine.

Jimin opened his mouth to say something but Taehyung beat him to it. "Yes, we're going somewhere so if you please excuse us for now and fuck off." Taehyung said as he fake smiled at the maknae and grabbed Jungkook's hand to let go of Jimin's wrist.

Jungkook rolled his eyes as he clenched his jaw and attempted to grab Jimin again but Taehyung saw it and pulled Jimin closer to his body and hid him behind him.

"What do you need, Jungkook? Are you itching to hurt Jimin again? Seriously just fuck off, Kook. You've done enough damage." Taehyung snarled as Jimin tried to stop Taehyung.

He feels like he's destroying Jungkook and Taehyung's bond and he don't want it to happen.

"Tae, It's fine." Jimin said as he step infront of Taehyung to confront Jungkook. "What is it, Jungkook?" He coldly asked and it hurt Jungkook.

"I-I... I was just gonna ask help from you because there's this part in the choreography I kind of have a difficulty with." Jungkook said as he scratch his nape, hoping that it would make Jimin stay and spend time with him. "We can-" Taehyung interrupted Jimin once again.

"Unlucky of you we've got plans. Just go ask Hoseok hyung. Adios!" Taehyung said as he raise his right eyebrow cockily and smirk and at the same time grabbed Jimin's wrist as he slammed the door infront of Jungkook's face.

Taehyung knows he's acting cold towards Jungkook but like the hell he care. Don't get him wrong, he still cares for the maknae of course and he still love him as a younger brother but he was disappointed and upset towards him because of what he did to Jimin.

"Tae... you don't have to be so harsh on-" Taehyung halted on his steps making Jimin stop on hus tracks as well. He hold Jimin's should and level to his face as he cupped the smaller man face.

"Jimin. I know, I know. But you can't blame me for acting this way, I was just... so damn upset and disappointed." Taehyung stated. "I get it but still Tae. That was just so harsh and disrespectful. Your bond and friendship is strong and I am a witness to that and I hate it to be the reason of this friendship crumbling down, okay." Taehyung sighed and run his fingers through his hair. He treasure his friendship with Jungkook too but he just can't help it.

"Jimin your my bestfriend and I love you so much. Of course I love him too but not the as how I love you. You're more important to me than him and he hurt you, destroyed you and  crushed your heart multiple times and now what? He's trying to get close to you and act all sweet after he knew you're gonna move on? He's being fucking selfish. He just can't walk in and out of your life like a revolving door, Jimin. You should not let him. You've got a lot of people around you who's willing to take care and love you whole-heartedly and that includes me, and no matter how much I hate to say this but there's Seojun, too. You're way too beautiful and unique to be just his convenient option. I'm saying this as your bestfriend and not someone who's pursuing you. Love yourself baby and spend the  rest of your life with yourself first, okay?" Taehyung added as he stared and smiled sweetly to Jimin. The smaller man is now pouring tears like cats and dog as he nodded. Jimin raised his hand and place it on top of Taehyung as he stared at Taehyung's face.

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