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Jimin stared at Taehyung holding two boxes of pizza while the other is holding 2 boxes of chicken wings and a black plastic filled with canned beers.

His lips twitch and formed a smile. "Pizza and chicken with beer?" Seojun said as he wave the 2 boxes of chicken and the black plastic in his hands.

Jimin nodded. Taehyung smiled and grabbed Jimin's wrist and run upstairs. "Time for cuddle and movies!" The red hair male exclaimed while Jimin shook his head. Seojun was tailing behind them with a smile on his face.

They cuddled on the tent that Jimin made earlier. Everything went fine and peaceful that no one would've ever thought that a war was declared a minute ago. They eat their chicken wings while sharing stories to each other.

"... and after that, we kicked his ass and it landed on a dog's shit and all that because he dare to throw my gucci slippers." Taehyung said as he take a bite of his pizza. Jimin was laughing with tears brimming his eyes.

"Oh my god, I remember that! I still remember the look on his face. Tae, do you remember that one time where we pulled a prank on our teacher during teacher's day?" Jimin turned and asked Taehyung and the latter aggressively nodded.

"Oh yes! How can I? I was the one who planned all those. We put a clear tape on the door and when Ms. Im entered the room she stumble on it and fall on her face and why we did that? All that because she gave us a 150 item quiz that's not yet discussed so all of us failed except Jimin who's a complete nerd back in middle school. Though being a nerd, a lot of girls and even boys are going crazy over him and is very popular, I can't blame them though." Taehyung said as he wipe the tears on the side of his eyes. Seojun was laughing on his stomach. He can't believe they did that to a teacher.

"You did that? Wow, I could never because my fear of getting detention. But I do agree with Jimin hyung being a complete geek back then, but a very charming and sexy kind of geek." Seojun mumbled as Jimin is a blushing mess. He playfully slap Seojun's arms.

"But thinking back about it, I kind of felt bad and guilty. You see, she just got rhinoplasty about a week before the teacher's day and all that happened to her when she paid a great amount of money to get her nose done." Taehyung muttered and lay on the pillow as he chuckle.

"I can't believe it though, that you two used to be troublemakers and became an idol, a globally known on top of that too!" Seojun exclaimed as he munch on his chicken.

"I know right."

"Okay, let's stop with all this old memories. How about we watch a movie?" Jimin exclaimed which earn both attention. The two nodded while Jimin stood up and turn the tv on.

He scan on the movies yet can't pick which one to watch. "Well, what do you want to watch?" He asked and looked back as he cocked his eyebrows towards the other two.

"Anything that's romance." Taehyung declared excitedly and Seojun looked at him with a disappointed face. "Oh, come on that's boring! Let's watch anything that's mystery thriller or something scary." The youngest chirped and chugged on his first can of beer.

"Excuse me? How the hell romance movies are boring? Those shits are amazing!" The red hair male said as he sat up with arms crossed while looking at Seojun who's staring back at him.

"Oh really? Romance movies are just a bunch of clichés compiled with a duration of one hour and half and they call it a movie!" Seojun spit back while Taehyung scoffed and his tongue touched the insides of his cheeks.

"Excuse me, you skinny eggplant romance movies are the best! Horror and mystery thriller are just a bunch of bullshits so shut the fuck up!"

Seojun brought his chicken back to his plate and face Taehyung. "How dare you call them a bunch of bullshits? You fucking old retard teletubby!"

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