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The bright rays of the sun passed through the small glass window hitting Taehyung's skin making him groan. He turn to his left side and felt a warm presence. He scooted closer, looking for the warmth and embraced it. Taehyung opened his eyes and peeked. He was greeted by the blinding brightness from the light the sun rays is giving off. He closed his eyes and open them, he blink a few times to adjust from the brightness.

He looked at the small figure right next to him and saw his bestfriend snuggled into his chest as his arm was used by the as a pillow. He chuckled.

It was a cute sight to see.

Taehyung slowly pulled his arms from the sleeping figure and sat up from his position. He looked around and his eyes was locked to the small vanity area. There he saw his bestfriend's roommate, Hoseok, and Tae swears his breath hitched.

He saw Hoseok standing infront of the mirror in his snug fitting washed out jeans, which is ripped, his knees in clear view. The older is shirtless, allowing Taehyung to roam his eyes through the older's heavenly bare chest and his toned abs proudly displayed. Taehying can feel his blood rushing through his body to his cheeks. He can't but blushed at the sight. He just can't take his eyes off the older.

The man in front of him is just undeniably breath taking. It was the first time Taehyung witnessed Hoseok half-naked and he thought maybe that was the reason he was acting like a teenage highschool girl, screaming mentally.

'He's just half-naked but my mind is already a mess... what more if he's fully naked then it's messier i guess' Taehyung thought.

He can't deny the fact thinks Hoseok is looking hot and sexy right now. The older has the white cloth in hands as he dries his hair, some water dripping from his hair. Hoseok flipped his hair and run his long and slender fingers through his wet and soft locks, oblivious of the stares he is getting from the wide awake Taehyung.

The younger is blind sighted with Hoseok's alluring sexy look. The wet hair, the bare chest and his tight ripped washed out jeans hugging his butt just didn't help Tae at all. He unconsiously gulped, loud enough for Hoseok to hear and the younger is oblivious that he gathered the olders attention.

Hoseok caught Taehying staring at him and smirked. He cleared his throat which snapped the younger from his train of thoughts. The two shared an eye contact which made Taehyung's cheeks to flush a bright red tint. Taehyung wish hell would swallow him whole. Hoseok just caught him staring and he can't feel anythig bt pure embarrassment. "Just snap a picture, Tae. It would last long." Hoseok winked and chuckled at Taehyung who's all red now.

"Is there something on my face or body?" Hoseok anxiously looked at his reflection on the full length mirror beside the table.

"Uhh n-no, h-hyung." Taehyung stuttered as his body is frozen in his place. Hoseok chuckled once again then goes to his closet and grab a blue checkered sleeve shirt. He tucked it in front and grab a silver necklace and wrapped it around his neck. He put a silver bracelet in his wrist and a silver ring to his index finger.

"... do you need any help?" Hoseok asked as he smirked and grab his pair of sneakers. Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows and he followed where Hoseok is looking.

Taehyung looked at his huge bulge, he wondered how the hell did he didn't even felt it throbbing. He felt butterflies dancing in his tummy but at the same time he felt all his blood rushed to his cheeks and his braincells walking out of his brain. He immediately covered his erected member, embarrassed.


Taehyung stood up and walked towards the door, he lowered his shirt trying to cover his boner but then a naughty idea popped up to his mind and he didn't even know where the hell this sudden confidence came from.

A little flirting won't hurt, right? He thought. He stopped infront of the door and leaned his back into the door and crossed his arms as he stared at Hoseok with his seductive look.

The older has his full attention on Taehyung and raised his eyebrows as he stood up from his bed after he tied his laces. "I'll be glad if you help me, hyung." This time it's Hoseok's time to get flustered. Taehyung smirked but it soon faded away as a small voice suddenly interrupted.

"Ewwwww! Did you even notice I'm still here? Hello?! My poor innocent ears. There's someone so pure here!" Jimin said with a fake disgusted look plastered on his face.

Taehyung and Hoseok looked at each other embarassed by their small naughty interaction. Tae grab the door knob and twisted it as he rushed to the bathroom while Hoseok tried to avoid Jimin's teasing looks as he stormed out of their shared room.

Jimin chuckled at how cute a shy Hoseok and Taehyung looked. He was awakened when Tae removed his arms and witnessed the whole interaction of the two.

From how Taehyung looked at Hoseok with lustful eyes as his mouth slightly open to how his bestfriend's other head slightly woked up and to how the two shared a naughty conversation.

He looked for his phone and saw it on top of the small table in between Hoseok and his bed. He grab it and turned it on. He take a look at the time. He then place his phone on the table again and snatched his towel and walked out of the room to take a shower.

His and Hoseok's shared room has no bathroom unlike Taehyung's shared room with Jungkook and Yoongi's. Jin's shared room with RM has no bathroom too, so the four of them showered in the bathroom in the first floor. He climbed down the stairs and entered the bathroom which is thankfully available.

After he took a shower he then walked upstairs with a towel wrapped around his waist. He change into a black pants and an orange t-shirt and paired it with black shoes. He grab his gold necklace with A.R.M.Y as its pendant. He decided to just let his purple bangs fall to his forehead as he was too lazy to style his hair.

"Throw me stones and I'll throw you flowers."

im lazy af :)

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