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It's been almost 5 days or so but Jimin hyung is still not home and It's making me worry especially seeing Tae hyung worried sick. I'm worried and I won't even deny that these past few days I keep craving his presence.

His heavenly giggles, the way his eyes turn into moon crescents, his voice and the the way he call me 'kookie' and annoy the hell out of me. I don't know. I think I... I missed him. So bad, maybe.

These days without him being around me got me thinking back to my actions, I've realize that I was such a monster. I have caused a lot of damage to Jimin, both mentally and emotionally, damn even physically.

I wanted to apologize to him and prove to Tae hyung that I'm better, better than this someone he has feelings for.

I just hope that today, Jimin hyung will show up in today's practice. I want to apologize sincerely to him. I walked through the hallways and on the way I greeted the staffs that were working earning a smile from them as well.

As I approach the practice room, I saw a petite man standing in front of the door. I think he's contemplating. I walked towards it and later recognized it was Jimin hyung.

"This is it, Jungkook. Apologize now, or never."

I grabbed the handle of the door and twisted it for him. I opened the door and waited for him to enter the room but he just stood there and it seems like he is avoiding me.

I can't blame him though. I was a complete jerk and treated him like trash. He must have felt anger or hatred towards me.

"Are you going in or not?" I asked, I tried to appear as cold as I can. I don't want to show him that I am affected by what he said in the rooftop. He snapped his head towards my direction and cleared his throat.

He eyed me for a minute and walked past me but I managed to grabbed his arm. This is strange. I hated how Jimin just acted with me. It felt so... distant.

"Hyung, can we talk?" I asked as I keep my eyes on him, waiting for an answer. He looked so fine even with just a black tshirt and grey sweatpants. He look ethereㅡ What the fuck is wrong with me?! I fucking love Taehyung. I shouldn't be attracted to Jimin.

Wait- am I attracted to Jimin?!

Jimin looked straight to my eyes and I swear, my heart is beating so fast when it shouldn't be. Fuck! I fucking Taehyung but what the hell is going on with me?

Jimin grabbed my hand that holds his arms and slapped it away and glared at me. "I don't think we still have something to talk about Jeon." Jimin hyung coldly stated. I felt shivers run down my spine. His action makes my heart clenched and there's a weird sensation in me that makes me wanna cry.

I was cruel. I threw harsh and degrading names to him. I hurt his feeling and caused him a lot of pain and I, I shouldn't be expecting a quick forgiveness from him. I know my mistakes and how fucked up I am.

Part of me wanted to grabbed his arms and hug him. I missed him so much that I've been craving for his presence, for him. I wanna turn back time and treat him better. Treat him the even just half the way he treats me.

I should have just considered his feelings when he confessed to me. I shouldn't have pushed him away like that. I don't want to lose him. I don't wanna lose the hyung who always takes care of me, who supported and comforted me. I am such a monster. Maybe I don't deserve his forgiveness. I deserve to be hated hy him.

I should have been good to him.

"I fucked up big time. I'm sorry, Jimin hyung." I whispered and sighed as I  run my fingers through my hair.

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