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"I am just curious, Jiminie, what's going on between you and Hoseok?"

Namjoon asked out loud while wiggling his eyebrows. Hoseok spit out the water he was drinking to Yoongi and recieved a death glare.

"Nothing happened, Joon. Like I swear" Hoseok said, slowly getting pissed. Namjoon's teasing is on another level that it kind of starts to annoy Hoseok.

Jungkook didn't really paid attention to the conversation while Jin and Taehyung looked at Namjoon with confusion plastered on their faces, and look at Jimin's way.

"I swear, hyung! There's nothing going on and i swear in the love of Expensive Girl, stop wiggling your eyebrows." Jimin explained. His face is red as tomato because of the embarassment.

" Take it off now girl just take it off." Namjoon sang as wiggled his eyebrows. Seokjin smacked his head earning an 'ouch' from the leader.

"Stop teasing them." Seokjin scold Namjoon but the latter continued singing."

"Take it off nowㅡ" Namjoon stopped singing as soon as he saw Jin glaring at him. He straighten his body as cleared his throat and continued eating his remaining food. Jimin face palmed.

"This hyung is so extra today." He thought. Namjoon was about to say something but Seokjin looked at Namjoon with narrowed eyes causing Namjoon to immediately act like he zipped his mouth and continued eating.

"What does he mean?" It's now Seokjin's turn to asked. He looked at Jimin. Before Jimin could even answer, Namjoon already spilled the tea.

"I saw Jimin on top of Hoseok!" He said and smiled smugly. Hoseok face palmed while Yoongi shakes his head. Seokjin throws a glare towards Namjoon while Taehyung is looking confused as hell, and as for Jungkook, he continued eating.

"I'm asking them not you, Kim Namjoon" Jin sternly said making Namjoon gulp.

Jimin swears to aliens that he's willing now to be taken to Mars and be fed to marsians. Taehyung looked at Jimin's direction, with confusion. "I swear Tae it's really nothi-- Oh my goodness Namjoon Hyung!" Jimin is getting frustrated. He looked at Hoseok with pleading eyes, asking him for help.

"Jimin just tripped and accidentally landed on me. That's just it. No more dramatic craps."

Taehyung is still looking at Jimin. "Jimin." Tae called out which gather the older's attention. He just looked at Tae "Can we talk after this?" Jimin sighed and nod.

"It's okay Jiminie. If you're dating Hoseok, it's fine. As long as it won't affect the rest of the group." Seokjin said.

"Hyung, there's really nothing going on. What Namjoon saw was just a misunderstanding." Hoseok defended and Jimin finally able breathe.

"It's okay Hoseok-ah. We won't judge." Namjoon just won't stop. He likes teasing Hoseok and Jimin.

" Hyung, I swear if you won't stop, I'll spill all your secrets! " Jimin threatened Namjoon which makes him stop talking and continue eating.

After that, it's all quiet with just their breathing and cute eating sounds echoed through the dining room.

Namjoon sneak glances between Hoseok and Jimin which from time to time will look at each other and smile. He can't help but get suspicious with the two. He notice the two were much more closer this past few months but he knew it's not enough to say and conclude that there's really something going on between them.

After they eat, they place their plates in the sink. "Jungkook, Jimin. You two wash the dishes." Jin spoke as he place his plate on the sink. Jimin didn't miss the part were Jungkook rolled his eyes and glared at him.
He heaved a deep sighed. Jimin can't help but feel hurt and his tears were threatening to fall from his eyes.

"Yes hyung" Jimin said to Jin as he forced a smile.

"Does he hate me that much? Am I annoying and irritating him that much?" Jimin mumbled under his breath.

" how can i be closer..."

Sorry for this shitty chapter.

Anyways, any thoughts or feedbacks??
and thank you for reading :)

Take care💜

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