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Jungkook walked towards the sink and started putting the food wastes into the waste bin as he hummed a melody to calmed his mind.

He knows he is acting a bit weirder this past few months and that he has been treating Jimin wrong but the older's presence somewhat makes him uncomfortable. There's just this weird feeling everytime nears him.

Jimin walked towards Jungkook direction and stood a few centimeters away from the maknae. He feels so awkward more like tense being around alone with Jungkook. He looked down his feet and start fiddling his fingers. He's afraid what if the younger would be pissed at him if he'll come any nearer.

Jungkook felt a presence behind him so he turned his head around only to be met with Jimin awkwardly standing behind him. He scoffed.

"What? Are you just gonna stood there and watch me wash this dishes alone?" Jungkook spat and threw a glare at the older.

"I uhhㅡ sorry." Jimin apologized and stood beside the younger and grab the plate and started washing it with the dish soap.

The distance between them is way too close and it's freaking out and making Jimin lose his focus and sanity. He could hear the younger's breathing and their arms is slightly touching each other.

Jimin is trying to focus his attention to washing the plates but his eyes are betraying him. They keep coming back to where it was locked. The veiny hands and strong arms of Jungkook.

Jimin wondered how would it feel to be caged inside the youngers arms and those veiny hands which is bigger than his, he want those around him, roaming his body and holding his hands.

Jimin wanted to slap his face for thinking dirty things with the younger.

He keeps fantasizing about Jungkook and his veiny hands and his strong arms. Suddenly, he felt a hand slightly touched his hand he swears he felt sparks everywhere.

It was an unintentional move but it still somehow made Jimin's heart to skip a beat. He was once again lost with his fantasies but he snapped out of it when he heard a sound of a ceramic shattered into pieces.

"What the fuck?!" Jungkook yelled at Jimin who's face is red as tomatoes. Jimin snapped out and looked at the pissed maknae infront of him. He immediately crouched down and picked up the broken pieces.

"I-uhh... I'm sorry." He stuttered.

"Fuck, hyung! can't you atleast do something right? For fucks sake! You're making a mess!" Jungkook yelled at his face.

Jimin stared blankly at Jungkook but suddenly hissed when a small piece sliced through his palm. He stared at the small cut and saw red fluid running down his arms.

A piece of white ceramic plate was shattered into broken pieces and scattered around the floor, his blood falling from his palm.

"Fuck myself for being a butterfingers." Jimin cursed himself for being so clumsy all the time.

"This is why he never likes you. Except from being fat and ugly, your clumsy and annoying. He'll never like someone as dumb as you." His mind screams. His demons are awakened and it's starting to whisper building up Jimin's insecurities even more.

Jimin wanted to slap himself hard for being so stupid and for being dumb. He cursed himself for being clumsy.

He saw Jungkook throwing death glares towards him as he squatted and picked up pieces of the shattered plate.

"I-I'll clean this o-one up." Jimin told the younger. The younger stood up and and pulled his hair. "You're the most fucking annoying and irritating clumsy person I've ever met, hyung!" He said.

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