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"If you keep forcing and convincing yourself to think and feel something for Taehyung then later find out that it's really Jimin, you'll truly regret everything and what ifs will fill your mind. Jimin hyung is only human and he gets tired and he feel pain. You have caused him a lot of pain, mentally and emotionally so I don't blame him, no, we can't blame him if he decided and just wanted to move on from you and forget his feelings for you. So if your really don't want to lose him or both of them, sort out your feelings sooner before everything is too late and Jimin find someone who treats him better than you or both of them falling for each other. Regret is worse than failure, Jungkook, and having regrets is the last thing I want you to feel." Bambam said as he grab his coat and paid for his drink and walk out.

What Bambam said slapped Jungkook real hard. It awakened him. He have to be sure of his feelings if he don't want to regret anything because if he'll keep being such an asshole, It's either he'll lose Taehyung or Jimin, and worst is, he lose both. Now that he knows Taehyung has feeling for Jimin, it just somewhat made everything a lot more complicated.

He don't to lose Taehyung, neither Jimin. Though, he may always seem to "hate" Jimin but he's still someone dear to Jungkook and losing him is not what Jungkook planned. That's least thing he'd want to happen.

He lowered his head and sighed. Why is he feeling this way? He doesn't even know who he is or what he truly feels anymore. It's like he is a stranger to his own self.


He felt weird and uncomfortable by what Bambam told him. The thought of Jimin finding someone else and falling in love with someone other than him, it somehow brought fear into his system. He can't exactly pinpoint why the fuck he is feeling like this, especially with Jimin.

He doesn't love or even like him, even the slightest. He knows it, deep in his heart, it is Taehyung whom he love. For satans sake, he was so sure about it. Yet, why is he more affected and bothered by the thought of Jimin finding someone else??

But one thing he's sure is, he fear losing someone, either Jimin or Taehyung and maybe both of them.

The fear of losing someone. He may be not sure if it really Jimin who's he is afraid to lose. The someone could be Taehyung but it could be Jimin as well.

He is drowning with his thoughts and with his feelings. He used to never care about anything but his career as an idol. He wanna go back to that time where he used to only care of his dancing, his vocals and being successful in his career path.

"Jungkook-ah, let's go home. You're totally wasted." Yugyeom said as he tugged Jungkook's hand. Jungkook let Yugyeom drag him out of the bar. He's just tired. Tired of feeling this way and being confuse. "Should I drop you off your dorm? Or you still can manage to drive?" Jungkook shook his head.

He may looked like totally wasted right now but he's a heavy drinker and his alcohol tolerance is high. He can still manage to drive even at his current state.

"N-no, I-I can still handle myself. Thank you for the concern." Jungkook said as he patted Yugyeom's back and walked towards his car.

"I hope you'll find the real one who holds your heart." Yugyeom whispered as he looked at Jungkook. He sighed and opened his car. "Mark hyung will definitely scold me for drinking and driving, again." He mumbled as he drove off the bar.


It's past 3 in the morning when Hoseok was suddenly brought back from his deep slumber. He flutter his eyes open and looked at their door that's wide open while a figure slowly approaches the direction of their bed.

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