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"Yah Park Jimin! Wake up and open the goddamn door!"

Jimin was awakened with the stentorian voice and loud banging against his door. Damn! His head aches maybe with all the tears he had shed last night. Jimin got up from bed and groaned. He looked at himself in the mirror, his eyes are puffy red and his hair is messy.

"Jimin-ah!" the voice called out him which he recognizes as Jhope's voice. "Just a second, hyung!" He look one last time at himself in the mirror and decided to twist the door knob to be greeted with a Jung Hoseok who's as usual bright and cheerful.

Jhope noticed Jimin's puffy red eyes.

"Did you cry last night??" Hoseok asked as soon as he entered the room. Jimin faced his hyung after he close the door. "No, I didn't" He replied to Hoseok as he tried to look away but Hoseok grab his faceㅡnot so harshlyㅡ and made the shorter male look at him.

"You did!" Hoseok claim but Jimin immediately step back away from Hoseok and hang his head low .

"I-I didn't." The shorter male mumbled.

"Oh really? Then your room must have been so dusty that your eyes were so red and puffy." Hoseok stated sarcastically.

"Did you really think you can fool me? I've known you Jimin. Your words may say the opposite, but your body and actions can't. Especially your eyes. Your eyes tell and it never lies." Hoseok said. Jimin sighed, giving up. He knows he can lie to anyone but not to Hoseok. 

"You already know I cried so why still ask? You're weird. It's like asking a bird if it flies."

"And why were you crying?" Hoseok asked.

"I don't see the point of this question when you already know the reason, hyung." Jimin mumbled. 


Hoseok sighs and motioned Jimin to come to him. He embraced the younger, drawing circles to his back. He inhales Jimin sweet scent.

"You always know that I'll be right here when you need me, right? Not only me, but you also got that grumpy guy." Hoseok said as he pointed Yoongi with his lips and both chuckled.

"Anyways, go shower now, we have a fan meeting to attend and we don't want the nagger to nag early in the morning." Hoseok said that made Jimin giggled as he imagine how cute but at the same time scary their manager look every time he's upset.

And oh! how Hoseok love to hear those giggles.

"Yoongi hyung! Wake up!" Hoseok yelled right at the older male ears and earned a death glare from Yoongi.

"I heard you. Keep it low, will you." Yoongi spat and the 94 liner just stuck his tongue out and proceed to walk out of the room.

Jimin had freshen up and dressed into his comfortable clothes. He tried to put a light make up and styled his hair. The same goes for Yoongi. The older male decided to just let his hair fall down to his face as he was way too lazy to do it. They do have hairstylist and make up artists to do the thing for them but they were way too late. Though others got their hair and make up done by their staff as they were early to wake up.

"Yoongi! Jiminie! Hurry we are gonna be late." Jin screamed.  Jimin rushed down the stairs while Yoongi was unbothered and just walked in his pace.

Jimin got into the van, only to find a seat beside Taehyung available. Taehyung and Jungkook are sitting together at the back seat, sharing one earphone while Jungkook leaned his head on Taehyung's shoulder as they both giggle and laugh at whatever reason it is.

Jimin sat beside his bestfriend which is the only sit available and just smiled at them and proceed to put his focus on his phone. He can't let his emotion get the best of him. Not when it's still early in the morning and they still have fan meeting to attend.

There's literally nothing he can do but to just admire the younger male sideways and be happy for him. What can he do? The other doesn't feel anything for him, there's no place for him and he just have to accept that and strive hard to move on.

'Cheers to this pain.' he thought.

 "Goodmorning, tiny." Taehyung greeted him with his box smile plastered on his face meanwhile Jungkook didn't even bother to glance at Jimin instead he ignored him as if he didn't exist. Jimin hummed. 

"Goodmorning  Tae. Jungkook, too." He mumbled as he keep a small smile on his lips. He can feel the awkwardness around them. It's probably just him. He was stupid, very stupid. He don't know what came into him, or maybe it was alcohol that gave him the courage to  confessed to the maknae what he have felt for the last four years. 

Although he tried to deny and keep it to himself but the pain that's stuck in his throat and the burn in his heart keep pulling him down, drowning him into his own jealousy. It hurts him to see Jungkook so comfortable with Taehyung. It was his fault anyway.

He knew the younger would've find it uncomfortable but he still did it. He knew this is what's gonna happen if he spell out what he feels but he risked it. 

He grabbed his earphones in order to distract him from his thoughts and blocked his ears and mind from the painful thoughts. He plugged it to his phone. He played Nobody by Baek Yerin.

After a few seconds, his phone vibrated and saw a notification from Hoseok. He tap the notification which directed him to the message.

From: Hyungie~~☀️
    Are you okay? Want me to switch seats with you?

To: Hyungie~~☀️
     I'm okay hyung 😃✋🏻

From: Hyungie~~☀
    Istg if you're lying again to me, i'm ready to throw my phone at you ☺️👊

To: Hyungie~~☀
   I'm really okay 🤥

From: Hyungie~~☀

From: Hyungie~~☀
  Anyways, cheer up my baby🐣

"I only long to be in your loving."

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