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Hoseok is starting to get worry. Jimin hasn't gone home yet and it's been already four days. It's not so like Jimin. The younger might come home late but he always come home.

He knows something wrong must have happened on that day in the hospital. And one thing that comes to his mind is that Jungkook is the reason why Jimin hasn't come home yet. The younger was looking for Jimin and after that Jimin didn't come home. But, he don't want to jump into conclusions.

Hoseok has been panicking so much. He's walking back and forth in his room for almost an hour while holding his phone. He has sent almost 50 messages to Jimin yet still got no response.

He was about to go go out of his room and ask Namjoon or Tae, they might have a clue on where Jimin is. Suddenly his phone chimed. He immediately unlocked his phone and open the message.

Baby Diminie💜

   Hyung. I'm sorry, I was not able to reply to you because my phone went dead 😬😔

Baby Diminie💜

But no worries, I'm okay. I'm staying at my friend's. You can come here at xxxxxxxx-xxxx.

Hoseok sighed. It's a relief that Jimin is okay. He sat down on his bed and sent a message to Jimin

Baby Diminie💜

       Damn baby, I was so worried😭 but I'm glad you're okay. Do you want me to bring you clothes?

Hoseok turned off his phone and bit his nails. He immediately took a shower and arranged Jimin's clothes and put them in a black duffel bag.

As he was about to open the door of his shared room with Jimin, Taehyung opened it for him on the other side.

"Hyung." Taehyung soft yet deep voice echoed to Hoseok's ear. He peaked his head in the door. "Are you busy?" Taehyung asked.

"No. Come in, Tae." Hoseok said as he put down the duffel bag and opened the door wider for Taehyung. He assisted Taehyung as the latter is walking with the support of crutches.

"Do you need something? You should be resting." Hoseok said, worried that Taehyung might overwork his sprained ankle. He helped Taehyung sit on Jimin's bed.

Taehyung nodded. "What is it? Do you want something." Hoseok asked, worry audible in his voice.

"More of I want someone. I'm worried about Jimin, hyung. He hasn't come home for four days already and he isn't even answering my calls or my messages. " Taehyung whined earning a chuckle from Hoseok. Hoseok ruffled Taehyung's soft locks.

"Don't worry, Tae. He is fine. He was at his friend's house, he just messaged me." Hoseok said, assuring Taehyung.
Taehyung's face light up as he heard that his bestfriend is fine. "Are you going there now?"

Hoseok nodded. Taehyung sighed. "I really wanna come with you. Damn, I miss him already." Hoseok crouched down and lean closer to Taehyung and cupped his face.

"You can't come with me. Rest or Jimin will literally scold me." They both shared eye contact, Taehyung's heart beating so fast and so loud against his chest. He can feel the warmth of Hoseok's breath with how close their faces are.

Taehyung cleared his throat. "O-okay." Hoseok moved his face away from Taehyung and fix himself. There was an awkward silence. "I-I think I have to go now." Hoseok stated as he moved around the room without knowing what to do. His heart is pounding so fast.

He froze on his spot and try to calm his self. He walked towards to where the duffel bag and grabbed it. "I-I'm going now." Hoseok said.

"O-oh okay." Taehyung stuttered and grabbed his crutches and stood from the bed and was about to walk out when he felt a hand supported him.

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