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To say Jimin was shock would be a complete understatement. His soulmate. His bestfriend. The person whom he share his secrets with, the person he always feels himself so insecure with, the person who he thought as his competition, is fucking in love with him.

Kim Taehyung is in love with him.

"T-tae... I-I d-donㅡ" Jimin was interrupted when Taehyung suddenly grabbed Jimin by the hand and pulled him closer. Taehyung cupped his face and slowly lean to Jimin's lips and captured it with his own. Jimin's eyes widened as he process what was happening while Taehyung eyes were closed as a bead of tears rolled down his face.

Jimin just stood there frozen, still believing the fact that Taehyung, his Taehyung loves him more than just friends. Taehyung crossed the line of their friendship.

Taehyung waited for this. He have always dreamed of being this close to Jimin. He knows it's wrong. Very wrong to completely fall in love with your bestfriend and kiss them without their permission. He had always dreamed of feeling those pillow soft lips on top of his, but right now, it's just not the right timing.

Jimin cupped Taehyung's face move his face away from the taller man. The smaller man of the two stared at Taehyung. "Tae." Jimin whispered as he wiped the taller man's tears.

"J-jimin... I-Im sorry." Taehyung mumbled as he realized what he have done. He must have gone crazy. He crossed the line. This wasn't suppose to happen. Fuck! He... he never planned anything for this to happened. He clearly planned to confess when everything's okay, when everything's perfect, when Jimin is completely over Jungkook but he fucked up. Big time. He shouldn't have let his emotions drive him, he shouldn't have let heart control him.

"Y-you... do you mean it?" Jimin said a he look straight at Taehyung's orbs as he try to find the answers in the latter's orbs. Taehyung looked at Jimin. He opened his mouth to say something but no words escaped his lips. It was like he was suddenly a mute.

Taehyung calm his self down. "Jimin. I-I'm really sorry. I know I fucked up. I love you more than a bestfriend. Fuck! I love you since middle school but I...I-I kept it because I don't want to lose you. I-I fucking manage to keep it all these years but shit!" Taehyung was panicking and so does Jimin but thes smaller tried to be atleast calm, for Taehyung.

"Tae, it's okay. Calm down, breathe in and breath out." Jimin said while Taehyung obeyed and followed what Jimin said. As Taehyung calmed down, he can't help but break down.

All those years, all those years of trying so hard to keep his feelings. It all went down the drain just because he let his emotion control him. He let his heart have its way.

"Jimin. I"m sorry. I really am."

Jimin shooked his head. "Don't be, baby bear. I should even thank you for loving me all those years. You confessing to me that you love me since middle school, that means a lot to me because you accepted my flaws and imperfections. Even though with my flaws, you still love me. Thank you." Jimin said, sincerely. It flattered him, knowing that Taehyung although knowing all of his flaws and his imperfections, he still love him.

"I... I won't deny that I was shocked especially hearing it from you. You know I love you Tae, but not the same way you love me. I am trying to move on from Jungkook but my heart, it still belongs to him. I don't want to give you false hopes and maybe right now, it's just not the right timing but if it was another time, damn I will be lucky to have you as my boyfriend. You're nice and the ideal boyfriend that everyone wished they could have but now is not the right time." Jimin said he show a reassuring smile to Taehyung as the latter nodded, still feeling guilty but what Jimin said, it was assuring.

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