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"It's flour" Taehyung spat as he mocked the younger while Seojun rolled his eyes. "Are you stupid or on drugs?! It's fucking cornstarch!"



"It's flour! Stupid baker."

"It's cornstarch douchebag!"

"It's flour you uncultured swine!"

"What are you implying? That I don't know how to bake? Excuse you, ant man but I am a good baker and every baker uses cornstarch when baking cookies because for your information, cornstarch has twice the thickening power of flour. So now if you can fuck off, I'll be the happiest and might even worship you." Seojun snarled and continue mixing his dry ingredients.

He planned on baking cookies, the ones Jimin used to bake him when he was 7 while the older is 9. That was the best cookies he ever have and this time, he want to bake it himself and give it to Jimin. He knows how much Jimin loves kookies and baking. Although he don't know what is the recipe, he just have to try hard. Afterall, it's the thought and effort that counts.

"I get it that cornstarch has this thickening power or some shit but flour is like the most important ingredient in baking. How can you not use it? What the fuck is wrong with you." Taehyung exclaimed.

"Just mind your own business! It's not like you're eating this or someting. This is for Jimin hyung you superstupid Superman from mentally retarded future." Seojun spurted as he roll his eyes.

"And that gives me more reason to intervene. Do you want to kill Jimin? Are you sure you're making food and not poison?" Taehyung continued as he crossed his arms. "Oh my god, just leave me alone!"

"I can't believe I'm actually fighting with a child." Taehyung unbelievably mumbled to himself and sighed.

"Just fuck off with respect. Thank you" Seojun growled as he slammed the mixer hard on the table.

Taehyung is supposed to cook a pasta, carbonara to be exact. Jimin's favourite which the older would always make him cook whenever they're not busy with their schedule but with Seojun making a mess, it's making it difficult for him to cook in peace. The spachula, measuring cups and other baking utensils are scattered everywhere.

The two are currently on the kitchen to cook food but they haven't cook anything yet because they were busy bickering and roasting each other while Jimin was upstairs, who's busy and almost done  with cleaning and setting up their little tent and decorating it.

Taehyung is mentally dying of laughter of how stupid the man infront of him is. Who the fuck uses cornstarch instead of flour? Only idiots like Seojun does.

"Did this fucker even research or what?" Taehyung thought to himself. He lean on the counter and mocked Seojun. 

"Oh I wish I could but I don't want to."

The younger male decided to just ignore Taehyung as if he's just a cold wind and continued to mix the ingredients and tried so hard to block Taehyung's voice and existence but devils are always unstoppable. They whisper and whisper until they get on your mind and on your nerves.

"Did you even researched the fucking ingredients? Do you even know how to bake? Or cook real food? You're try-" Taehyung was cut off when suddenly Seojun casted the whole mixture of his dry ingredients and it was like a volcanic eruption and everything perfectly landed on Taehyung. He's now covered in white.

The younger was upset, pissed off and annoyed. How dare he insult his cooking and baking skills. Taehyung looked at him, raging with anger. He narrowed his eyes and smile like a maniac who's about to slit the throat of its prey.

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