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Heavy breathing and a faint sound echoed through the four corners of the room. The atmosphere is clouded with tension and anxiousness. Jimin is awkwardly standing, heartbeat beating in an abnormal speed, breathing is unstable and mind is messy with negative thoughts.

He'll probably hate me more after this. What if he'll avoid me after this? Jimin tried to shake the thought.

"As if he even spared a single glance at you, Idiot." Jimin mumbled to himself.

Anxiety and nervousness is creeping into Jimin's system. He needed someone to motivate him. He needed someone to tell him 'It's okay. You got this' But Hoseok is not here. Nor Taehyung. This confession thing, no one forced him to do, in fact he's the one who decided to do it. He was a little confident after the talk with Hobi earlier but him with Jungkook alone together in one space makes Jimin go crazy and anxious.

Jimin keeps fiddling his finger after the other's has disappeared while Jungkook was busy looking at the mirror as he dance to the song. Jimin is so nervous that he's sweating even more and he feels like his heart is going to escape his cage soon. Jimin heaved a shaky sigh and walked towards Jungkook. He cleared his throat to gather the other's attention but failed. Jungkook was oblivious with the Jimin's presence.

"J-Jungkookie." Jimin said, more like whispered. He tried to called out his name but still failed to gather his attention as the other is busy with dancing and perfecting every move. Jimin felt like he's talking to himself with the younger not noticing him.

"Kookie!" Jimin said loud and clear and he successfully got the attention. Jungkook heard someone called him 'Kookie' and he didn't even need to look at the mirror or turn his head to look at whoever called him. The nickname was enough to tell him who it is. He stop his movements and stared at Jimin's reflection through the mirror. The silver haired man raised his right eyebrows as he stared at Jimin.

"C-can w-w-we~~ uhhm.. t-talk?" The smaller of the two stuttered and he want to slap his face for stuttering. "Aren't you talking to me already?" Jungkook said and tsked without leaving his eyes from Jimin. Jimin tried hard to not get intimidated by the stares but his voice just betrayed him. He just stuttered. Jungkook walked towards the speaker to lower the volume a little bit.

The stares made Jimin's knees turn jelly. Jungkook's hair is damped with sweat as if he just showered, his white oversized shirt stained with sweat causing his toned abs to get visible and the older can't help but gulped at the sight. The younger's heavy breathing echoed through the practice room. Jungkook looks sinful at the moment and it's making Jimin's whole system to malfunction.

Jungkook run his long and slender finger through his wet hair as he close his eyes. He then walked towards his bag and grab his towel and water bottle. He hanged the towel to his shoulder and open the bottle. Jimin follows every movement of the younger. The younger gulps down the liquid and Jimin can't help but look at how the younger's adams apple move up and down as it gulp down.

"Having fun staring??" Jungkook asked and glared at him. "Stop it, hyung. It's creeping me out." Jungkook said as he place the bottle on the floor and grab the towel from his shoulder and began drying his hair. "S-sorry." Jimin mumbled and the younger just scoffed.

"C-can we talk, Jungkookie? Please?" Jimin said more like begged but he's a little bit confident than earlier. "You're talking to me already." Jungkook said, irritation is audible in his voice. Jimin sighed. Jungkook faced Jimin and leaned to the mirror behind him, his hands finds its way to his gray sweatpants and a white cloth hanged around his neck.

Jimin looked down and stared at his feet as if it's the most interesting thing he had ever seen. He just don't want to look at Jungkook's reaction. He could felt his legs and hands shaking and his palms is sweating so bad. Jimin keeps on fidgeting, feeling uneasy under the younger's gaze.

His heart is beating rapidly and beads of sweat are forming on his forehead. He ain't ready for rejection, but he gotta try.

"I-I didn't saw it coming at first. I-I t-thought I just f-find you cute at first but at some point I started to feel something. Whenever I see you smiling, it just somehow made my day better, and everytime you call me hyung with your cute voice or back hug me, there's this weird feeling in me. Before I knew it, I was thinking of you. Everyday and every second." Jimin stopped and looked up. Jungkook is looking back at him with his eyebrows raised, he's still leaning on the mirror. It surprised Jimin that he didn't say anything.


Jimin continued. "My mind is just full of thoughts of you and there, I thought that I must have like you, that's why. But soon I fell in love and as days passed by I just... keep on falling in love with you deeper and deeper." Jimin said and bite his lips.

"Your point is...?" Jungkook said with his raspy voice sending a slight shiver to Jimin.

"I-I know I-I'm quite annoying to you but I-I like youㅡ actually no, I love you... Jeon Jungkook." Jimin said. He could feel his heart beating so hard that it might cause an explosion later. He looked at Jungkook, his nervousness is killing him. The way the younger looks at him is making him weak and malfunction. Jungkook smirked and walked towards him, his hands still in his pockets. He halts in front of Jimin and bended a little to level with Jimin's face and stared at the older's amber eyes. Jimin gulped at the closeness.

Jimin felt like he can't breathe with how close Jungkook's face to his. He can feel the youngers hot breath and his fruity and woody scent filled Jimin's nose. The younger's scent is intoxicating and it's making him crazy. He could feel heat slowly making it's way to his cheeks and blood rushing through his body. Jimin feels like there's something got stucked in his throat and he feel like he stopped breathing as the younger said those three words

"I like you too, hyung."

"Fly high and endure the pain when you fall."
I actually don't know where the f this story is going aksjjs

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