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"Okay 15 minutes break!"

Their choreographer yelled and walked out of the room as he amswered his phone which was constantly ringing. Jimin grab the water bottle and gulped down the crystal clear liquid. He throw his self to the floor and crossed his legs as he leaned his back to the wall. He breathe slowly trying to make his breathing stable. Sweat rolled down to his face, his hair is wet of sweat as well.

His eyes roamed around the practice room looking for a particular guy with silver hair and big doe eyes and bunny smile. He run his small yet veiny fingers through his purple lockes as he sighed.

He saw Jungkook comfortably talking and laughing with Taehyung and Jin. Jimin admired the younger from a far as he saw how the younger's eyes would wrinkle as he laugh or smile. Jungkook's angelic and cute laugh echoed through the practice room and it didn't failed to make Jimin's heart to fluttet and adore the cuteness of the other.

Jimin stood up from his cross-legged sitting position as he saw Hoseok. He need the older's advice. He walked towards Hoseok's direction. The older is looking at the mirror, practising the dance steps and monitoring himself. The older has beads of sweat forming on his forehead, some rolling down to the sides of his face and his hair is damped because of sweat as well. He saw Jimin approaching him through the mirror, biting his nails. He stopped from his movements and walked towards Jimin. He face the younger and asked him what's wrong as he could sense that the younger is a bit anxious and nervous.

"Hyung can we talk?" Jimin said. "Sure. What is it?" Jimin look around and heaved a sigh. "I mean in private?" Hoseok mumble a small 'oh' nodded. The pair walked out of the practice room oblivious to the pair of eyes watching them as their figures slowly disappeared.

"What's the problem, Diminie? You seem anxious and nervous." Hoseok asked as they arrived at the storage room, his voice lace with concern. Jimin looked down, staring at his feet as he fiddled his fingers. "Min..." Hoseok called him and lifted Jimin's chin to make him look at him. The smaller one bit his inside cheeks.

Jimin sighed.

"Hyung..." Hoseok is staring at Jimin and he hummed. " Hyung... I-I planned on c-confessing to him." Hoseok has his eyes widen, his face screams he's shookt but his expressions later turn into a soft one. "Really? Are you ready?" Jimin nodded.

"Just a little nervous." Jimin said softly as he run his fringers through his soft locks flipping his hair back in the process. "If you're ready, then go. You know I always support you , right? If you plan on confessing to him today, then go. Make him your man." Hoseok said encouraging the younger. Jimin smiled at him, he's so glad he have Hoseok. "I'll try hard to make him mine because I know getting him is difficult." Jimin said making the older chuckled and nod.

Hoseok motioned Jimin to come to his embrace. Jimin complied and let the older caged him in his arms. Hoseok ruffles Jimin's hair and kiss the top of it. "Fighting Diminie!" Hoseok said motivating the younger. Jimin nodded again and smiled.

The two went back to the practice room, giggling and laughing. Talking some stuffs and it includes Jimin teasing his hyung about what happened earlier. Both males are not aware of the jealousy burning in someone.

》 》 》

The group finished rehearsing their dance steps which they will perform infront of thousands and thousands of people. Their A.R.M.Y. They practiced hard to perfect every move and they are damped in sweat and heavy breathing echoed through the four corners of the room.

Jimin grab his water bottle and lean his back into the mirror. His purple locks is messy in a sexy way and the sweat forming on his forehead slowly rolls down to his face. His milky white skin glistened with sweat, he tries to even his breath. He is exhausted and feeling drained. Not just him but the seven of them.

It's already 6:30 and the sun decided to step out, letting the moon gradually takes its place. The sky outside is painted with a tangerine tint with a pinkish hue scattered, mixed with some purplish color with the hint of baby blue color. Hoseok looked at Jimin and mouthed 'fighting' and smiled.

Hoseok, Yoongi and Jin walked out of the room as they are tired and wanted to go home and take a rest while Jungkook decided to stay for a little longer as he wanted to practice more. Jimin as well. Taehyung and Namjoon headed out firsy before Hoseok, Yoongi and Jin and that Jimin and Jungkook.



Jimin keeps fiddling his finger after the other's has disappeared while Jungkook was busy looking at the mirror as he dance to the song. Jimin is so nervous that he's sweating even more and he feels like his heart is going to escape his cage soon. Jimin heaved a shaky sigh and walked towards Jungkook. He cleared his throat to gather the other's attention but failed.

"Jungkookie." This time he called out his name but still failed to gatherhis attention.

"Kookie!" Jimin said loud and clear and he successfully got the attention.

"I wanna set this bird free, will you catch it when it falls?"
short update :]
It's been a while! Thank you so much for 700+ reads, didn't really expect since this book is so trashy lmfao but still thank you :)

Take care y'all! Wear your masks and stay hydrated💦

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