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"What are we going to talk about anyways?" Jimin asked as he looked away while sipping his strawberry smoothie, trying to avoid eye contact with Jungkook.

"About us."

Jungkook calmy said looking at Jimin with his dark brown orbs as he sipped his drink. Jimin almost choked with his drink.

"Us? Wait- was there an "us?" Jimin thought confused with the word Jungkook chose. It's not really a big deal but to Jimin it is.

"What do you mean by 'about us' ? Was there an us?" Jimin confusedly asked.

"You might think I am making such a big deal when it's not really a big deal but I'm just bothered, you know. There is only "you" and "me" and I don't think we have an "us" because that's how you make it look like to me all the time. You always push me away and hurt me in every way possible. You hate me." Jimin exclaimed as he placed his drinks on the table while staring deeply into Jungkook's eyes.

"I apologized for my choice of word."

Jimin blinked, kinda find Jungkook being nice and apologizing real weird. He knows he is acting weird too. He's making a big deal with just a mere word.

"Uhhh... No, no. It's okay. I'm sorry for overacting though." Jungkook smiled at the older and grab his drink playing with the straw. A deafening awkward silence filled the atmosphere between them. Jimin clears his throat. It's so silent that it's making him wanna vomit. So he decided to break the ice.

"You know, I love you Jungkook-ah, right. I really do that I want to do everything to make you even just like me in a romantic way but it's just so... way too impossible to happen. And about the last time, you know in the practice room, I wanna apologize for confessing to you and also for annoying you everytime and for being so clingy." Jimin grab the fork and cut a small slice from his chocolate cake after his speech and tried to avoid Jungkook stares. He is scared again, scared of what the younger might say.

"No, hyung. I should be the one who's supposed to apologize. You did nothing wrong and I should even thank you because you keep loving me even though I keep pushing you away for countless of time and apologize for pushing you away, hurting you in many ways possible, and for tripping you in the stairs the last time. I'm sorry for being a complete jerk, cruel and unfair. But everything that I did to you, I regretted them all. Please, forgive me hyung." Jungkook stated as he reach for Jimin's hand and hold it. He looked straight to Jimin beautiful black ocean eyes. He wanna show the older his sincerity.

Jimin is just there sitting and staring at the hand on top of his. He is trying process everything that the younger had said. He inhaled and exhaled and slowly looked up to stare at Jungkook.

It doesn't cost a billion won to forgive someone and so he decided to forgive him. Everyone deserves a second chance and a third chance, right? No matter how cruel and mean they are, they still deserve to be forgiven.

"I... I forgive you, Kookie." Jimin said and smiled to assure the maknae that he is forgiven and that everything is fine between them. He splaced his other hand on top of Jungkook's and caresses it.

" Thank you so so much, hyung. Truth be told, I don't hate you. In fact, I-I love you, too. I was just too scared to say it and show it." A tear escaped Jungkook's eyes which he wiped immediately.

Jimin was completely speechless. He was frozen, he felt like the world stopped rotating and revolving. Jungkook doesn't hate him, he even love him! He was just scared. He still can't believe that this is really happening.

Suddenly, a phone started to ring that interrupted Jimin from his train of thoughts. Jimin clears his throat and sat erect. Jungkook fished his phone out from his pocket and answere the phone.


("Gguk. This is Jin. Is Jimin with you?")
Jin said through the line. Jungkook looked at jimin only to have eye contact with him. Curiousity visible on his face as he mouthed "who is it"

The younger just stared at Jimin and ignored the older's question and continued to answer Jin.

"Yes, he's with me. Why did you call, hyung? Did something happened?"

Jungkook asked and grab his drink and took a sip.

("Can you and Jimin come here in the hospital? I'll text you the address.")

Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows after hearing the word 'hospital'. He panicked a little, worried that what if something bad happened to the other members.

"Why? What happened?"

Worry is audible in the voice of the younger.

("It's Taehyu-")

Jungkook didn't wait for Jin to finish his sentence when the younger immediately grab his things and stood up from his seat. Jimin panicked after seing the younger panic and at the same time he is worried.

"Wait, Kookie! What happened? Who called?" Jimin asked and stood up from his seat but the younger was way too panicked to even answer him.

After Jungkook grabbed all of his things, he walked out of the cafe without even saying anything to Jimin. Jimin was left in confusion and alone. He is even more worried sick now. The younger didn't even tell him anything.

After all the drama, the apologizing and forgiving and the confessions that just happened between them, the younger just completely ignored him again and walked out without even telling him anything.

To say Jimin is not hurt would be a lie. He is used to this feeling that it doesn't feel new anymore yet it still pained him. Atleast, he and Jungkook is fine now. That alone, he should be thankful. The younger initated everything first and that's enough. And finding that the maknae doesn't hate him or dislike him, he should be happy and contented.

But there's one thing that he realized. Yes, the younger said he  loves him but he is still not a priority. And he is not even sure if the "I love You" he recieved from the maknae was true or not, or is it in a friendly manner, romantic or just in a brotherly way. He is not sure. His mind is a complete mess.

"I'm sure he meant that in a friendly or brotherly way. Yeah, of course. What else would it be? It can't be in a romantic way, right? Haha" Jimin keep talking to his self that if anyone pass by and saw him, they would probably think that he's insane.

"Friendly way or romantic, atleast we're okay now. He doesn't hate me and dislike me. That more than enough to know. Atleast this is a progress between us. But atleast he should have told me what happened. Who was that hyung he meant and who's in the hospital? I even forgot to bring my phone"

Jimin smiled to himself. Trying to be confident and positive that everything is fine.

"how am I suppoes to contact the hyungs? I don't even remember their numbers." Jimin whined to his self. He want to bang his head to the wall. Out of all the things he forgot to bring, it's his phone. He even have is airpods with him.

"So stupid of me" He mumbled and heaved a sigh. He stood up from his seat and decided to stroll around or have fun by himself. He is thinking or going to the karaoke or the arcade but karaoke sounds so lonely when he's alone and he will not be able to enjoy much in the arcade.

He really wish someone would approach him as he step out of the cafe and talk to him. He still don't want to go home, he want to clear his mind and a little fun.

He lowered his cap even more and wore his hoodie and his mask on. He gathered his things and walked out of the cafe. And just as if heavens or genies heard his wish, a guy suddenly come up to him and approach him.

"Jimin hyung! It's you, right?"

"One step at a time. Though, it might take a little longer but at some point, you'll arrive at your destination."



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