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Jimin sighed and decided to go to his shared room with Yoongi.

He entered the room and close the door after. He proceeded to his bed and laid there. He closed his eyes and a tear slipped from his eyes. He gradually opened his eyes and stared at the white ceiling as train of thoughts dances in his mind.

"Are you okay?" Jimin slightly flinched and placed his hands on his chest, startled by the voice. He turn his head towards the voice and saw Hoseok lying on Yoongi's bed, probably playing games in his phone or checking and scrolling through twitter.

"Hyung!" Jimin whined. Hoseok raised a brow and looked worriedly at the younger male. "I'm sorry. Did I scare you?" Hoseok mumble and approached Jimin.

"Yes. You should have made your presence known." Jimin pouted and Hoseok chuckled.

"Sorry baby. I called you but you're so lost in your thoughts that's why you might not have heard me." Hoseok said as he sat in front of Jimin, facing the latter.

Jimin made an 'oh' sound. The older male chuckled and ruffled his hair. "Now, tell me what happened. You looked upset."

Jimin plastered a small smile and slowly looked at Hoseok as he played with his fingers.  "Well, since there's no point in lying at you, I'll have to tell you the truth."

"Glad you know." Jimin rolled his eyes and giggle. Hoseok held his hand closer to the younger male's face and wiped the tear that escaped as he gave Jimin a warm smile.

"Well, earlier I ask Jungkook if he can help me with the choreo since I kind of forgot some parts but..." Jimin heaved a shaky breath and salty crystal liquid attempts to flow down once again.

"He suddenly told me to fuck off. He told me he hated my presence and I should stay away from him. Hyung, h-he hates me. He hated me. And I know why." Jimin said, pain audible in his voice. His head was hanged low as he played with his fingers.

"I-I really tried to ask for someone else. I really tried to avoid him considering the thought that he might find being with me uncomfortable  but the others were out for groceries, Taehyung was hanging out with one of his friends, and I can't find you anywhere. I saw him and no matter how much I held myself to not do it, I asked him... But I got rejected and pushed away again. The only difference this time is that he really mean it because I can see rage and hatred in his eyes and in the tone of his voice." Jimin sobs as he hugged Hoseok tighter. Hoseok inhaled. He pulled Jimin by his wrist and engulf the younger male into a warm embrace as he rubbed circles at his back.

"Hyung, it hurts..." Jimin whispered as his voice cracks.

"No, baby. I'm sure that he doesn't hate you. He's probably just overwhelmed and shocked with your confession. And knowing Jungkook, he's not good with his feelings and spelling out what he thinks and feels. Just understand him. I know he doesn't mean it."

Hoseok felt bad for Jimin. He could have just moved on after being rejected more than 50 times by now, but he didn't. He kept showing his love for the maknae and telling how much important the younger male was for him.

"I know, hyung.  I hated mysef for being so inconsiderate of what might Jungkook have felt. I only thought of my feelings and forgot about his, even though knowing that he will feel uncomfortable and might even find it creepy." Jimin stated.

"I should've considered him before doing such ridiculous thing, before confessing my stupid and disgusting  feelings."

He could've given up and love someone else but he didn't. He loved Jungkook too much, way too much. Everytime, he attempts to move on and forget the feelings he have for the maknae, but every single time he he meet the maknae and look at his chocolate orbs, he can't seem to forget and erase the feelings he have for him.

He's stupidly in love.

And that's his flaw...

"Yah! Why would you considered your feelings disgusting and stupid?" Hoseok spat as furrowed his eyebrows. He broke the hug and the smaller male hanged his head low.

"It's not disgusting nor it is considered stupid. You felt something special for him and that's normal..." The older male added. Jimin bit his lower lip. Hoseok made Jimin face him and lifted his chin.

"...because you're a human." Hoseok continued as he cupped Jimin's face and gave him a warm and assuring which made Jimin feel better even just a little bit. The younger male formed a small smile as he stared at his hyung's eyes.

"Thank you, hyung. For being always there for me." Hoseok stared straight to Jimin's amber orbs. He wiped the latter's tears using his thumb and reciprocated Jimin's smile.

He then pecked the younger male's nose and forehead causing the smaller male to scrunch his nose. Hoseok moved a little further, eyes stick stuck on Jimin.

"Jimin-ah." Hoseok softly mumbled, still maintaining eye contact to the other. "I know how much you love Jungkook, but please don't lose yourself in the process of trying to win his love and attention." Jimin plastered a reassuring smile and nodded to Hoseok.

"I promise, hyung." Hoseok ruffled his hair and got up from Jimin's bed. He walked towards the door, but before he grab the knob, he turn around and looked at Jimin.

"I hope that in loving Jungkook, you'll also learn how to love yourself and be happy. Value yourself because in your life, you are the most important person." Jimin rolled his eyes playfully and nodded his head as he softly laughed.

"Okay, hyung. Copied and noted." Jimin winked and shoot him finger guns. Hoseok chuckled and walked out of the door and a few seconds later, Yoongi came in with a confused look.

"What did you two talked about?" He asked. Jimin shrugged and smiled widely.

"Just things." Jimin stated, as he cheerfully get out of bed and walked out of his bedroom, completely leaving Yoongi confused and curious.

"Love yourself first, and everything falls in line. Because others learn how to love and treat you right through how you love and treat yourself."

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