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"Hoseok hyung."

Hoseok turned his head towards Jimin who's cross sitting on his bed as he stares at his phone. The older smiled. "Oh, is something wrong?" Jimin shook his head which made Hoseok furrowed his eyebrows.

"I just wanna ask if I can go out today since the practice is cancelled. I'm just gonna hang out with this friend of mine."Jimin said as he fiddles with his finger. Hoseok chuckled and went to Jimin's direction and sat on his bed.

The older ruffled Jimin's hair and pinched his cheeks. Jimin whined saying Hoseok should stop pinching his cheeks. "Silly, of course you can but be real careful since paparazzi and sasaengs are just around hiding in every corner." Jimin nodded and he excitedly jumped from his bed and went to his wardrobe.

This cause Hoseok confusion. What's making Jimin this happy? And excited? He cleared his throat. "By the way, who are you hanging out with?" Jimin turned around and smiled happily. That's his real smile. Hoseok mentally said to himself.

Jimin blushed. "O-oh... Seojunie asked if we can hang out today and I say yes since our practice is cancelled and we didn't have any schedules today." The younger said and turned around as he busied himself finding a perfect outfit but he's struggling.

Jimin doesn't know why the hell is he even trying so hard with his outfit today. He could just grab a simple white tee and a pair of black jeans and a sneaker or converse to finish up but he feels like doing something more. He wanted to look more sexy and attractive. For some point, he kind of wanted to impress Seojun. Somehow.

"Hyung." Hoseok looked at Jimin as the younger turned around. "What should I wear?" Hoseok chuckled and stood up from the bed and walked towards Jimin. He leaned his body to the wall next to the wardrobe. "Why are you even thinking so hard? Trying to impress someone, huh?"

Jimin can't hide the smile and blush that's invading his face. He shyly nodded. "I... guess."

"Help me, hyung." The younger whine making the older chuckle. "You can just wear anything Jimin. You look so fine and sexy in everything. You're beautiful." Hoseok said while Jimin sighed.

"I think I might have to go to Tae and ask him for help." Jimin said as he formed a little cute pout on his lips and stomped his way towards Taehyung's room like a kid.

Hoseok can't help but adore the younger. He definitely doesn't deserve the pain he's enduring. Hoseok knows how kind and a good man Seojun is. The latter made Jimin a little bit bubbly and cheerful this days but it scares Hoseok. It scares him, what if Jimin completely falls in love again with Seojun? He don't want to see Jungkook suffer.

Yes, he wanted Jimin to be happy but it just hurts him to think that while Jimin is happy, Jungkook is suffering. It's not like Jungkook doesn't deserve it for being such a jerk, but he still loves Jungkook no matter what.

He doesn't even know why he is so invested in this mess, but as someone that's older than the three, he just have to do something.

Meanwhile, Jimin knocked on Taehyung's shared room with Jungkook. He can't contain his smile, somehow. He's really excited to see Seojun after not meeting him for four days after that day Taehyung confessed to him.

Nothing changes with Vmin's relationship and friendship although Jimin knows about Taehyung's feelings. He's trying to be careful as well, afraid that he might hurt Taehyung if he shows him too much affection and that may mislead the other into thinking that Jimin might have feelings for him.

Don't get Jimin wrong though. Taehyung is someone you can't help but fall in love with. He's a complete ideal boyfriend. Just like Seojun,Taehyung is sweet, caring and has this vibe that could comfort you and make you... calm.

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