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"Jiminie." Taehyung called out.

Jimin raised his eyebrows and looked at Taehyung. "Can we talk?"

Jimin pursed his lips and nodded. It felt like forever since the last time they both talk about their lives to each other.

"I miss you." Taehyung mumbled as he stared straight to his bestfriend amber orbs. "I miss you too, so much." Jimin explained as he wrapped his arms around Taehyung's torso.

"We were so close yet it felt like we are too far away from each other." Taehyung stated, a pout formed his lips.

"I know, right." Jimin replied. "It's kind of my fault, you know. I've been lowkey avoiding you because of some crappy reason." Jimin said as he nervously chuckled.

Taehyung smiled as he caresses the shorter male soft locks. He misses his bestfriend. "It's okay."

Taehyung freed his self from Jimin's warmth and grab the chair a few inches away from his position. "So, uhh... you have feeling for Jungkook?"

Jimin stared with blank expression at he blinked for a few times. " How did yoㅡ"

Taehyung chuckled. "How did I know? You're so obvious, chimmy. We all know about your feeling for him."

"I was really... that obvious, huh?" Jimin said as he mentally face palmed.

"So, you really have feelings for Jungkook?" Jimin nodded as he bit his fingers. "Yes." The shorter male mumbled as he nodded.

Taehyung run his long and slender fingers through his red locks. "I've known you for a long time, Minnie and I didn't need science to explain to me how you feel towards Jungkook. I can see it through your eyes and actions. I just want you to know that you shouldn't feel threatened of me."

Jimin felt ashamed after hearing Taehyung. He have been self-centered that he forgot that Taehyung is his bestfriend.

"I was kind of hurt when I noticed you're starting to social distance yourself from me. I'll still choose you over anyone else and plus I don't like Jungkook in a romantic way. I like someone else." Taehyung said as he stared into Jimin. Jimin noticed how his bestfriends eyes sparkled when he said he like someone else.

Jimin looked shock. "You like someone? Who?" Jimin asked out of curiousity but Taehyung wanted to keep it a secret to himself for the meantime as he is still figuring his feelings out.

"It's kind of complicated, you know." The taller male said as he rubbed his neck.

It's been so long since they talked something serious and about how they are doing. Jimin is being distant to Tae and Taehyung notice that too. After Jimin finds out what he felt for the maknae is real and he noticed how close Tae and Jungkook are, he was jealous so he decided to distance himself from Taehyung and avoid him, which he shouldn't have done.

Jimin felt guilty more than ever after knowing it kind of hurt Taehyung, how he was trying to avoid him. He envies and hates Taehyung for being so close to Jungkook when he shouldn't be. Taehyung is his bestfriend ever since they are still in highschool.

"Wait, I forgot to ask. Are you okay now? You looked like you were not feeling okay earlier after the fanmeet." Jimin asked and Tae just give him a nod as a sign of 'yes'.

"Can I ask you another question?"

"Of course, you silicon babie doll."

"Is there really something going on between you and Hobi hyung?? I mean, you know, I was confused and curious as hell earlier with what Namjoon told." Jimn face palmed.

"OMG I swear there's nothing. What Namjoon saw and what he think it was, was a complete misunderstanding. I tripped and accidentally falls over on top of Hoseok. Namjoon hyung just seriously misunderstood it." Jimin whined. Taehyung cooed at how adorable Jimin looks as he whines.

He can't help but squish Jimin's cheeks and tap his button nose in which made Jimin scrunched his nose.

"I believe you okay. Let's now go sleep, we still have practice tomorrow." Tae said and smiled showing his infamous box smile.

"But... uhh can I sleep with you? I mean... you know Jungkook must have locked the door. He slammed it hard. " Jimin just laughed and nodded. The pair walked upstairs and entered the room.

The two laid in Jimin's bed and they cuddled, feeling each other's warmth which brings comfort to them.

"You can't have two hearts at once..."

Short update.
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Take care 💜

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