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"Enough with the apologies, Kookie. I've already forgiven you and you're making an effort right now. It's okay." Jimin said, his hands laying on top of Jungkook's large hands as he show his alluring eye smile.

Jungkook's heart began to pound crazily and his whole system crying with euphoria and mirth. Jimin touched his hands and this small gesture is sending electric sparks throughout his veins. The younger male cheeks that was white as the blank canvas is now painted with the bright hue of pink. His lips twitched a smile.

"Thank you, hyung. For giving me another chance to redeem my self to you." Jimin chuckled and stood from his sit to wipe the tears that was streaming the younger male eyes.

"What can I do? I fucking love you, so damn much." Jimin said as the maknae brought his hand on top of Jimin's tiny ones that's caressing the side of his cheeks while Jungkook was grinning from ear to ear, so wide that his eyes crinkles. "I love you too, hyung. And I'll do everything to make you happy." Jungkook assured.

Jimin can feel his heart howling in ecstacy and dynamite exploding inside his tummy. He awkwardly grabbed his hands from Jungkook's hold and looked away, trying his best to hide the smile that's painted on his face and the bright pink stain that's smeared on his cheeks.

The maknae booked a reservation at a famous restaurant which is quite expensive for their dinner date and luckily, there's not much people dining in. The restaurant is pretty much known to celebrities since it's secured from the eyes of the paparazzi since the windows are heavily tinted that someone that's outside the restaurant will not be able to see anyone that's inside the restaurant which is very convenient for idols and actors who wished to avoid from the eagle eyes of the sasaengs and paparazzi.

Jimin actually wanted to go on an amusement park but due to their status, it is highly possible that they will not be able to enjoy the time. Besides, this dinner date in this restaurant is not that bad too. And as long as Jimin's with Jungkook, he can never not feel happy and giddy.

Jimin went back to his sit and cleared his throat while Jungkook can't help but chuckle at Jimin's explosion of cuteness. "You're so cute, Jimin-ssi." Jungkook complimented.

"T-the pasta is really pretty haha." Jimin awkwardly laughed and he want to slap his face for that. He cleared his throat and decided to just stare at his food for the meantime.

Jeon Jungkook may have hurt him so many times but he still feel so much love for him.

"Oh! It's your birthday next month. What do you want as a gift, Kookie?" Jimin asked as he looked up and caught Jungkook staring at him with a warm sweet smile. "Jungkook-ssi!" Jimin said as he waved his hands in front of Jungkook.

Jungkook was lost in his train of thoughts. He was lost in the the milky way created by Jimin's crescents smile and he can't help but question himself, why did he do that to Jimin? Hurt him, that is.

Looking back to his past actions towards the older, it was just so foolish. Maybe, because he was young, dumb and a plain asshole? He don't know, but he truly feels so much regret for what he did and so much more love for the older now and that's what important.

He didn't expect that even the smallest smile from the older or even the faintest sound of his giggles and laughter, Jimin being the clumsy person that he is, and just Jimin's existence is enough to make him motivated to wake up and get up from his bed, to make melodies and write lyrics, to work hard and most of all, live his life and be happy.

It's just funny how fate or destiny plays. One second you hate him and hurt him in every way possible, and then one second, you suddenly love him, want him to be yours and yours only, and want him to be part of you for forever.

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