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"What in the holy christine sorcery is this?" Jungkook asked, his voice a bit too loud and hoarse. He was too shock and the fact that he just woke up just hits different. He completely snap from his sleepiness.

"Yoongi hyung! Are you going crazy?!" Hoseok yelled, frustration and anger building up inside of him. This is just way too much to take in.

"What's so wrong with Yoongi and I dating? Why are y'all so shock and frustrated, somehow." Seokjin asked as he eyed the members especially Hoseok who had reacted a bit too much.

Namjoon woke up because of the noise coming from the living room. He walked out of his shared room with Jin, his hair is disheveled and he had his right hand rubbing his eyes but he completely stirred from his unconsciousness as he heard his roommate spurt those words.

His heart was pounding against his ribcage as he felt ten thousand hammers hitting his head like a nail.

"Yoongi hyung broke up with me but he... he is dating Seokjin hyung now." Namjoon thought his heart clenched. It all takes 3 weeks for Yoongi to move on and find another man. It couldn't be more worse that it happened to be his roommate and the man whom he trusted so much.

He wanted nothing more but to run away and just throw himself out of the bridge and just drown with the pain of knowing Yoongi dating Jin.

Hoseok attention snapped towards Namjoon who was standing still on his spot. Jimin bite his lips, he wanted to hug Namjoon and comfort him. It must have shocked the older.

"N-namjoon-ah." Hoseok called out but seems like the leader didn't heard him. Namjoon didn't even budge. He was just staring at the floor with tears flowing down his cheeks.

Jungkook snuck behind Jimin and snaked his arms around the older's tiny waist as he laid his chin on top of the shorter male's shoulders. Jimin flinch and look behind only to find it was Jungkook.

"What is happening here, hyung?" The maknae asked but the older male just shrugged.

"You wouldn't even understand, Jin hyung because you don't even know anything " Taehyung stated as he passed by Yoongi as he glared at him and bump his shoulder to the rapper. Jin shoot a puzzled look.

"What the fuck is happening here?! Why are y'all attacking me like this? What did I even do?!" Jin yelled, his confusion eating him. What did he even do wrong. He's just as clueless as Jungkook in this situation.

"I would've known anything if any of you fucking tell me what the fuck is going on and why you all are so pissed off right now." Yoongi held Jin's hands and squeezed it to calm the older down.

"And why is Namjoon crying?" He asked.

Yoongi snapped his head towards the direction of Namjoon and his heart clenched seeing the younger male. He felt guilty because he knows what he has done was wrong. What exactly can he do though? He felt out of love and has fallen in love with Seokjin.

Hoseok scoffed and chuckled as he shoot a killer glare towards Yoongi and Jin and both swear their hearts drop. "Namjoon-ah, this is just a dream okay? Now, let's go back to bed." Hoseok said with a smile on his face as he lead Namjoon towards his own bedroom and laid him on his bed.

As soon as Namjoon closed his eyes drifted to his neverland, Hoseok tears rolled down. He felt bad for Namjoon. He sat beside Namjoon and brought his hand towards Namjoon's face and swept the few strands of hair that's spread on the younger's face.

"You deserve so much better, Joonie. I hope you'll find someone that will take care of you." Hoseok said with a smile on his face and peck Namjoon's forehead. He then walked out of the room with burning rage.

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