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"Are you fucking serious? Of course Ironman is better than that fat and ugly shrek of yours." Taehyung gasped dramatically and rolled his eyes, offended by what Seojun just claimed.

They were having a simple and calm talk earlier not until Jimin brought up the topic about who's their favorite marvel heroes and the two started to quarrel once again.

"Gosh, when will you two stop bickering?" Jimin complained as he stood up from the floor.

"Never. Unless this ugly shit stop provoking me with his childish acts. Fucking immature." Taehyung spat. Seojun only rolled his eyes on him. "If there's someone immature between us, that would be you midget."

"Me? A fucking midget? Just come here and let's see who's the fucking midget now!" Taehyung growled and stood up from his seat causing Seojun to jerk from his position and use Jimin as a shield.

The smaller of the two just rolled his eyes. "Just date each other, geez!" Jimin said causing the two to look at him with weird faces. " What?"

Taehyung place his hand on his hips and rolled his eyes sassily. " Oh come on, tiny! Me dating this asshole? No thanks. I ain't dating anyone unless it's you." Taehyung said seriously as he looked at Jimin. And Jimin swear to the fucking chameleons that the stares of the taller man is giving him tiny eruptions. "Yeah. Nice joke right there, Tae." He said and laughed but stopped when he saw Tae being all serious

"I am not kidding though."

Goddamnit, Kim Taehyung! You're making me me crazy. Jimin thought.

"Sorry right there midget but I'm taking Jimin with me." Seojun said as he stuck his thing out. "Shut it, you two. No one's taking who, okay." Jimin said as he sat down again on his bed.

"I am taking Jimin." A voice out of nowhere appeared. The three looked at the door and saw Jungkook standing there. Jimin could feel the heat slowly rising up to his cheeks and shyly look away.

"Hyung, can I talk to you for a second, please?" Jungkook said in his soft voice melting Jimin from all the emotions that's erupting inside him.

He nodded shyly stand up from his bed. He was about to take a step forward to come to Jungkook but Taehyung prevented him by sliding his arms around Jimin's waist.

"What are you gonna talk about?" Taehyung said, waiting for Jungkook to answer. " None of your business." Jungkook said and walked towards Jimin and grab him by the arm yet Taehyung only gripped his hold on Jimin.

Here we go again with this tug of war. I wonder how my arms are still short after all this. The smaller male said on his mind.

Seojun just looked at the two literally pulling Jimin from each other. He knew how his cousin is, he just never backs down. He's pretty competitive and simply means he hates loosing. "Jungkook hyung likes Jimin?" Seojun thought to himself as his eyebrows furrowed.

"Let go." Taehyung said firmly yet Jungkook just won't budge. " Just stop it you two, please. I'm tired of hearing two people bickering all day." Both males look at Jimin as he remove the arms that's been caging him.

"It's okay, Tae. I'll just talk to Jungkook for a second, okay?" Jimin said as he looked at Taehyung with pleading eyes. Taehyung heart burned yet what can he do? Nothing.


Taehyung sighed and nodded but before the two could even walked out, Taehyung pulled Jimin by his wrist and kissed his head, smelling the smaller male's scent in the process. " Call me when he do shit to you, okay?"

Jimin smiled and nodded. " It's okay, Tae. It Jungkook, he ain't gonna hurt me." Jimin mumbled as he left the room and went to the rooftop with the maknae.

"What is it, Kookie?"


I've been pretty lazy lately. Btw, idk if this chapter even make sense. I just wrote what's on my mind so it's probably shit lol

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2022 ⏰

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