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"I just stumbled on my feet. It's nothing, Tae. I'm fine." Jimin assured Taehyung.

"You can't tell me it's nothing, Minnie. You could've been hurt and ended up in a hospital room." Taehyung said. "I'm really okay, Tae." The smaller of the two stated. He don't want to worry the other.

"The last time I check, you didn't stumbled on your feet, Jimin." Hoseok said as he entered the room. Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows shooting a confuse look between Jimin and his Hobi hyung while Jimin eyes widen and heart beating so fast.

'He didn't saw it, right? He was not there'

'Please. No.'

Jimin bite his fingers. "What do you mean hyung?" He asked as he tried to put his confuse face as he laugh nervously. "Don't 'what do you mean hyung' me Park Jimin." Hoseok glared as he walked towards his bed and sat on it.

"Okay. You two are leaving me confuse. Mind to enlighten this little poor potato?" Tae said. He is confuse as hell.


"W-were y-you there?" Jimin said, more like he whispered as he lowered his head and played with the hem of his plain white shirt. Hoseok hummed as he scrolled through his phone.

"I was there. I was sitting in the corner then I saw you coming down. I was about to call you but then suddenly you fell and saw what Jungkook did." Hoseok said as he sighed.

" I was trying to contain my anger since I don't want to throw a fit. So I walked out as I saw Jin and Yoongi coming to you." he added. Jimin felt like his tears forming in his eyes.

"Jimin is that true?" Tae said as his face slowly turn into red. He's pissed by Jungkook. He can't really pin point what's his problem with Jimin. Jimin nodded. "I'm going to kill him." The red haired male said between gritted teeth as he stand up from the bed.

Jimin looked at Tae as he shakes his head and hold his bestfriend hand and squeezed it. He doesn't want to ruin Taehyung and Jungkook perfect friendship. The two are so close to each other and the last thing Jimin wants is to be the reason of a break up between friends.

He don't want Jungkook hating him or despising him more than the younger do.

"Don't, Tae. He's still young and we all know that he's still confuse to some things and he can't control his emotions. And it's my fault. I was stupid and dumb to fall for him. " Jimin said as he begged Tae. The latter just nodded and sighed. He is upset. Jungkook is young. Yes, but tripping Jimin was a litle bit immature.

"Minnie, It's not your fault, okay? You didn't chose to fall for him, you know that. Everything just happened. Stop blaming every single bad thing that happened to yourself." The red hair male said as he cupped Jimins face. Jimin pouted and grab Taehyung's wrist causing the other to chuckle and ruffled his hair.

Jimin doesn't want to be baby-ed especially knowing that Taehyung is still younger by two months from him.

"And Iㅡwe get it. He's young and all the shit but tripping you was too much, Jimin. You could have been injured. He's at the right age to think if what he's doing is right or wrong. He's just being childish and immature." Hoseok said as he place his phone on his bed and turn his full attention on the two.

"Anyways, what happened yesterday? Jungkook was looking pissed yesterday as he come home. He slammed the door hard, too." Taehyung asked out of nowhere. "And You! came home late too. Did you really think I didn't notice you tiptoeing your way to your bed?" Hoseok said as he emphasized the word 'you'.

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