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The silence between them is deafening. The only sound that filled their ears is the loud beating of the younger's heart and the relaxing sound of the crickets.

It's already 4 in the morning yet the vast ocean above them is still dark and the moon is still crying brightly among the crowd of twinkling stars. Seems like the sun is still having its beauty rest, leaving the moon to shine a little bit longer.

Ten thousands of different lights shines and illuminated the whole city and it is very captivating from their perspective. It is a scenery that holds nothing special and very usual but it was alluring for them. The sea of sparkling lights made them feel relax and remind them of their beautiful memories and their lovely ARMYs.

The cool breeze hits their flesh and never failed to send shivers down to their spines. As the time ticks, Jungkook grows more and more nervous especially with the silence that Hoseok gives him.

Hoseok is leaning in the terrace railings using his elbows as he looks down, watching the already busy street while Jungkook is leaning on a wall as bite his fingernails.

"Jungkook-ah" Hoseok called out Jungkook and the younger lifted his head and looked at Hoseok. This is so nerve wrecking. He was scared that what if he upset Hoseok because of what he just almost did earlier.

Hoseok has grown a lot more protective of Jimin for the last two years and Jungkook noticed it. And yes, the closeness of Hoseok and Jimin made Jungkook really uncomfortable and that's why he avoided the two and hated Jimin more. "Y-yes, hyung?" Jungkook can't help but stutter. Hoseok being this serious really intimidates and scare the shit out of him.

"Can you be honest with me?" The older asked as he straightened his body and looked at Jungkook's direction. The maknae nodded.

"What do you feel when you're around Taehyung?" Jungkook raised his eyebrows, confusion painted his face. "What do you mean, hyung?"

"Just answer the question, honestly. Do you think you like Taehyung? No, do you like Taehyung?" Hoseok asked as the maknae lowered his head and heaved a sigh. "I always feel comfortable around him and I really enjoy his company. And yes, I-I think I like him but I d-don't know if it's still like romantically or not. I just suddenly started to doubt my feeling for Tae hyung."

Hoseok nodded his head. "How about when you're with Jimin?" Jungkook felt like a lump suddenly got stuck in his esophagus. He don't know but his heart suddenly started to beat hard again. "I-I... don't know." The maknae mumbled.

Hoseok rolled his eyes. "Just... how do you feel when you're with him?" Jungkook nibbles his lips and started to play with his fingers. "I-I feel weird when I'm with him. When he is with other people, I-It makes me frustrated somehow. It was weird and I feel uncomfortable that's one reason why I started to distance from him and hated him. I hated how I am not like myself when he's around." Jungkook said.

Hoseok walked towards the table that's on the corner of the space. He grabbed the chair and sat down. "Well, when did you knew you liked him? Or you have feelings for him?"

Hoseok is trying to play his cards well and it seems like he is doing just fine. He definitely could conclude that Jungkook likes Jimin, maybe even more than that. Like love. But he don't want to assume things early.

"When he was not home. I felt so empty and... incomplete somehow. Like there's something missing in me and when I saw him earlier, I strangely felt whole again."

"I seriously don't understand myself. I'm just so confuse and my feelings is just a mess. I feel like I like Taehyung but when Jimin's not around I just... I'm just not me. I don't even know how to explain my own emotions. Hyung, I-I'm a mess." Jungkook said as tears began to slowly escape from his eyes and poured down his face like a heavy rain.

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