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Things were fine earlier, or atleast it's what it seems to Jimin. The two were getting along just a few hours ago. They were even making jokes at each other doing fist bumps and all the friends stuff.

Everything was calm after the three of them entered the house. The three even cuddled on the couch for a few minutes with Jimin between before coming up with the idea of having an indoor picnic and setting up a camping tent on the second floor instead of going out. The two even agreed on cooking the foods though Jimin suggested to just order food.

He should've known. It was a sign. It was a sign that a horrendous and destructive storm was about to come. That was something people called the calm before the storm.

He halted on his steps as saw the mess exhibited in fron of him.

"What. The. Fuck." He mumbled with his eyes wide open and jaw almost dropping to the ground. This is not happening. This must be just a dream an terrible one. A nightmare as everyone call it. Yet even no matter how much he try to snap himself, everything is not a dream.

The two looked at him with eyes wide as the owls. They messed up, big time. And both know it. They both know too well, those eyes that's gradually narrowing and glaring at them and those little devilish smirk, they both know that they might end up seeing lucifer today.

Seojun and Taehyung's position is utterly ridiculous if you ask Jimin. Seojun is clutching Taehyung's hair with full force using with his left hand while his right hand is holding a paper clip that's clipping Taehyung's nipples that's underneath his shirt as the older of the two is biting Seojun's ear while grasping a fistful of Seojun's hair and his other hand holding a frying pan and what's worse is that they are tackling each other on the cold floor filled with cream and ketchup with Taehyung on top.

The white leather couch is stained with brown and red colors. There were broken vases and picture frames were tilted. Jimin sighed and glared at them. They were suppose to have fun and relax for fucks sake but this two ruined it, now he have to clean their mess.

He was having a peaceful time decorating their little nest without even knowing that there's hell going on.

"Let go!" Seojun yelled as he snapped out of it and turned towards Taehyung who let go of his red ears leaving bite marks and a little scratch cause by his canines. "No you let go, little frick!" Taehyung snapped and attempted to fling the frying pan towards Seojun.

The younger pulled the clip making Taehyung yell in pain. On the naughty kinky side, he would be greatly turned on with the clips biting his nipples but he's on his right mind at the moment and getting turn on with Seojun is the least thing he would ever do even if Seojun is the only man alive on earth and even how horny or kinky he is.

Jimin stomped towards Seojun and Taehyung and sperated the two from each other. He get rid of the clips on Taehyung's nipples and the frying pan that's his bestfriend is holding.

"What the fuck is going on? Oh my god! You did not only made a mess but wasted a lot of food! " Jimin snarled as the two lowered their head and scratch their necks out of embarassment.

"Seojun started it!" Taehyung said as he defend himself and face Jimin whose hands are crossed. "EXCUSE! ME! MR. SMASH! MCPOTATO! YOU! FUCKING! SLAM! A! 24! INCH! FRYING! PAN! TO! MY! HEAD! AND! ON! TOP! OF! THAT! YOU! FUCKING! INSULTED! ME!! AND NOW YOU HAD THE AUDACITY TO FUCKING ACCUSE ME OF YOUR SHIT BUT EXCUSE ME BUT IM FUCKING CALLING THE FBI!" Seojun growled and was about stomped away yet...

Jimin who's getting extremely annoyed and upset with this whole bickering, he immediately run after Seojun, stand on his toes and grabbed Seojun's ears and drag him. "Taehyung stuck his tongue out to Seojun but was soon cut off when Jimin reached out for his ears as well dragged them towards the kitchen earning  Seojun wince on the pain, Jimin grabbed the ear that Taehyung bit earlier. "Hyung, I swear I didn't started it!" Seojun mumbled.

"You fucker started it! If you just didn't cast those stupid powder you were mixing earlier at me, I shouldn't have thrown you a spatula and even that bag of flour!" The two continue bickering and Jimin's patience is decreasing.

Jimin let go of their ears as they arrive at the kitchen. He looked at the scattered ingredients and sighed. He can't believe he's baby sitting two kids on his free time. "Yah! So are you telling I'm the one who started it? You nasty pig?!" Taehyung yelled as he step closer to Seojun but Jimin stopped him.

"Tae, stop it."

"Woah, wait the hold up so you're telling I'm the who started this?!!? YOU FUCKING INSULTED ME YOU DIMWIT!" Seojun snapped back as he inch towards Taehyung but Jimin got in between them but it was useless. The two were definitely at each other's neck and he's like a hotdog squeezed between two bread.

" I swear stop it you two dumbshit!" Jimin yelled but it's like the two have their own worlds taht they didn't get to hear Jimin yelling at them.

"YES IM FUCKING SHOVING DOWN YOU THROAT THE FACT THAT YOU STARTED EVERY SHIT AND I WISH YOU CHOKE TO DEATH YOU FUCKING ANIMAL!!" Taehyung isn't backing down and so is Seojun and this is even much more frustrating than how Jungkook doesn't love Jimin.

Seojun who's about to throw a punch towards Taehyung yet he halted and stood frozen on his spot as well as Taehyung.

Jimin was mad and he does not plan to add a fucking gas into the fire so that's why he's trying to hard not to snapped at the two and chop their dicks but there's no shutting them off so he have to do the last thing he can in order to shut the two out.

He sighed and run his hands through his hair and stood on his toes and reach out for both Taehyung and Seojun's back head and force it to collide with each other but it leads to something he didn't expect.

He was just planning to bump their heads together to shut them out but their heads didn't bump to each other.

Their lips did...

"Together, we form a necessary paradox; not a senseless contradiction."

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