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Up to what extent are you much willing to risk your happiness and lose yourself for someone who never once looked in your way with the same spark in your eyes?

To Jimin, he would take no second thoughts and risk it all even if that meant completely wrecking his self and letting himself got struck by an asteroid. He could even run with only his two feet around the world just to chase Jungkook and to make the maknae love him back but in life, there will always be some point where people gets tired of chasing the same dream and Jimin have come to that point.

He have come to realize so many things and how pathetic and stupid he was to beg on his knees and suffer just so he could say Jungkook is his which was incredibly dumb and so, he have come to an actualization that he have to stop, he gotta stop this stupidity and move on.

He wanted to stop, to stop the stupid feeling that's been keeping him from loving someone else and let himself be loved once again. Only if he could find his escape because everything is just mentally and emotionally exhausting.

After a few weeks which is almost a month, he was able to forget tiny bits of the maknae. Spending his time mostly with Seojun and Taehyung, practicing their dance choreographies, down to writing songs and melodies, it helped him get his mind off from the maknae even for a moment.

He was a tiny bit closer to reaching his goal- that is to finally let his self out of the rabbit hole that Jungkook has digged for him- but all those attempts to move on and forget, all went to waste when Jungkook confessed the night after Jimin went home from Seojun's house with Taehyung.

Jungkook loves him!

Finally, after 4 years, Jungkook told him that he loves him and Jimin could not be more happy after hearing that. After 4 years, the maknae looked in his way.

One night. One night is all it fucking takes for his efforts to move on to went down the drain and he could not hate himself more than he already is.

He totally hated himself for being so submissive, most especially to Jungkook. As if the younger is some pure blooded alpha who could make him beg and kneel like a poor beggar and that even just his mere existence makes him fall on his knees and tilt his head to offer his neck like how omegas are.

As if Jimin is a puppet who dances for Jungkook at every tug. As if he's under a spell casted by Jungkook himself.

"20 seconds to go! Be ready!" The staff yelled as they rush behind the stage to check everything while the seven gentleman prepared themselves and checking their mic.

Jimin is looking at Jungkook's direction who's also looking with a smile plastered across his face at the lady in front of him as she fixed his make up. They seem to be pretty close and he can't help but felt his heart clenching and his tummy burning as the pang of jealousy crawl its way into his system.

Taehyung noticed Jimin's sudden change of mood even he's 5 steps away from the smaller male. The taller man stepped closer to Jimin and tried to distract him.

"I can't wait to see you flipping the stage and making everyone go crazy, tiny." Taehyung cheered as he blocked Jimin's view of Jungkook. Taehyung knows what made Jimin's mood to change because there's no other person who could make Jimin so vulnerable. Jimin snapped his attention towards his bestfriend and smiled a bit wide.

"Well, I can't wait to see you wrecking everyone too, baby bear." Jimin muttered and grinned as he fixed Taehyung's mic that's on his cheeks. Taehyung felt butterflies exploding in his insides. He held Jimin's wrist and smiled.

"Don't make me cross the line, please. I literally want to kiss you right now." Taehyung mumbled while Jimin was bewildered after hearing the other. A blush creep into his cheeks, embarassed, as he retrieve his arms back.

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