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It was 3 in the morning when Jimin decided to step out of the practice room and the building. Jimin fell asleep after staring at the ceiling for two hours straight. He's pretty sure that if Jhope and Jin finds out about him going home 3 in morning, they will surely shower him with an earful of sermon.

Instead of grabbing a taxi, the guy chose to walk. He wanted ease his mind and his broken heart. Their dorm is not that far away from the building and Jimin thought, it's 3 am and it's impossible to get paparazzi. He wear his black hoodie, with black jacket on top of it and a black cap with 3 silver rings on its side resting on his head, covering his face.

He is walking through the sidewalk as few cars pass him by. The sky is pitch dark just like how dark the deepest ocean is, with stars, shining and twinkling like diamonds and the moon giving off its bright light as the cold wind silently passing by and touching his face, sending shivers to his spine.

Street lights illuminated the streets of Seoul. There some street vendors preparing their stalls, some are walking and others who are drunk and drinking bottles of soju and beer. It's only 3 am but they are people who are already preparing for the day and some taking off from their tiresome day.

Jimin's dorm building is gradually visible to his vision. As he approached the door of their dorm, he slowly twisted the door knob as quiet as possible, trying his best not to stir anyone from their precious slumber. He take his shoes off and place it on the shoe rack beside him.

On his way to his room, he heard a small sound from the kitchen, he peeked and saw the last person he wanted to see at the moment. Jeon Jungkook is half naked, only with his boxers as he chugged a glass of water. He was kind of caught off guard by the view displayed in fron of him, slightly blushing.

Jimin was glad that the maknae failed to notice his presence. He tiptoed his way to his shared room with Hoseok and he's glad to see Hoseok in deep sleep, small faint snores coming from him. He closed the door and walked directly to his cabinet as he gently place his bag on the floor.

Jimin didn't bother to take a shower as he was exhausted and just decided to change his clothes into his sleeping clothes. After changing, he makes his way to his bed, still trying not to make noise as his roommate easily wakes up even from small sounds.

He lied down and pull the covers to his head and closed his eyes but a second after he flutter his eyes open as he can't sleep since the words that came out from the youngers mouth keeps on invading his mind, disabling him from sleeping.

"You're ugly and fat"

" You always make me uncomfortable"


These words keeps on ringing through his ears. He can't help but let the tears strolls down to his face once again as he reminisce what happened earlier. He tried to cover his mouth to prevent any sobs vibrate through the room. He doesn't want Hoseok to wake up and ruined his beauty sleep as he knows the older is probably tired.

He was heartbroken and hurt of the words that came out from the youngers mouth earlier. He knew he was irritating and annoying to the younger but he didn't know that Jungkook sees him as fat and ugly or his voice being irritating. He knows he's quite clingy towards the younger and he kinda hate himself for that after knowing that it pisses the younger off.

Even though what the younger did pained Jimin so much, he can't bring himself to hate or be angry towards the maknae. He still love him. He keeps telling himself that Jungkook is still young and that he can't control his emotions. He wanted to believe that he could make the younger like him, if not in a romantic way even just as friends or as a older brother but he won't give up though, in making the younger like him back or even love him back in a romantic way.

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