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Jimin excused himself and Hoseok from Seojun which recieved a nod and smile from Seojun. Jimin guuded Hoseok to the room he was staying in.

"What is it, hyung? Did something happened?" Jimin asked the older as he guided Hoseok to sit on a king size bed.

He was worried. Did Seojun said something bad or did he offended Hoseok? What happened, that's what's been going on Jimin's mind.

"Seojun and you, Jimin. Were you both really ex-fiancès?" Hoseok stared at Jimin as he arched his eyebrow waiting for the other to answer.

Jimin widened his eyes and his heart was starting to beat faster and his palms are starting to sweat. He doesn't even know why he is so nervous.

"Well... I-I uhhh... y-yes." Jimin stuttered as he nervousely nibbled his lower lip. Hoseok widened his eyes, he obviously looked so surprise.

"W-what?? I-I... How?" Jimin sat on the floor, cross legged. He played with his shirt, afraid of looking straight to Hoseok.

He never told anyone about his little arranged marriage with Seojun, like even the company. He decided to just keep it since it's something personal. Even Taehyung, doesn't know about Seojun but if Jimin remember it right, Taehyung have meet Seojun, once.

"Truth be told, we were supposed to be married at this age but after two years of being in a relationship and as fiancés, we break it off since he was going abroad for his studies while for me, we were about to debut that time." Jimin explained which caused Hoseok to even dropped his jaw.

This is so impossible. This is the least thing he expected. Jimin being engage to someone younger than him.

"How did this happened? O my god, this is... unbelievable." Hoseok said as he stood from the bed and cross sitted in front of Jimin.

Jimin smiled. With Hoseok's question, Jimin remembered his memories with Seojun. It was such precious memories they have. Jimin told him how they were engage at such young age.

Jimin's grandma, Park Younha and Seojun's grandma, Lee Sura are bestfriends and they both promised that when they have their own family and children, they would arrange their eldest daughter and son in a marriage.

But Jimin's mother refused and so is Seojun's father. They were bestfriends and it was weird for them to marry each other. It disappointed both Younha and Sura as their promise never happened.

Younha died with stage IV breast cancer and then a year and a half after Younha's death, Sura died due to cardiac arrest. It devastated Minha (Jimin's mother) and Seungho (Seojun's father) and they felt guilty that they didn't get to grant their mother's wish so they decided that they'll arranged both of their child into the marriage that they failed to do.

When Jimin was 13 while Seojun was 12, both of their parents arranged them into a marriage without them actually knowing about it since they were both still kids.

Seojun and Jimin, they were childhood bestfriends. Jimin is almost Seojun's older brother since he always take care of the younger. They shared a lot of memories together and Jimin was really fond of Seojun and so is the latter.

When Jimin was 15 while Seojun was 13, both of their parents told them about the marriage. At first, Jimin was against the idea since Seojun was still 13, he's almost he's younger brother. Damn, he even showered and played together with the younger and they were to be married.

Jimin won't deny the fact that even though Seojun was just a 13 year old kid, he was extremely good looking and that he even like the younger romantically. But with all the begging and telling them about their grandmother's wishes, they both agreed.

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