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"Yoongi hyung!" Namjoon whine as he try to stop the older from leaving. Tears are brimming on his eyes as he hold on to the older's arms.

"Y-you can't do this to me, hyung."

"What Namjoon? We're over and I'm so over you, okay. It's been weeks, learn to fucking move on. I'm hanging out with someone now so just fucki-" Yoongi was interrupted when Namjoon kiss him. His eyes went wide as he immediately push Namjoon by his chest.

"Namjoon what the fuck?!" Yoongi exclaimed as he stepped away from Namjoon. Namjoon stared at Yoongi, not even regretting his actions or feel sorry doing it. He's going to do everything that he can do to make Yoongi stay with him.

He love him so much and he can't understand how or why did the other ever thought of him loving another man. He gave him every attention and love so what or where the did everything went wrong?

All he could ever wish is to go back in time so that he could find where did everything went wrong.

Namjoon grabbed Yoongi by his hand and pulled him closer to his chest and held him so tight.

"Hyung, please give me another chance, you know how much I fucking love you! I could never dare to cheat on you or fell out of love. I don't like him that way. We-we still can fix this, we still can be happy just like before. Hyung, please." Namjoon stated as he stared at Yoongi who's looking at him.

"How am I suppose to know that?! Your actions and your smiles and those eyes I fucking used to see when you're only around me, I see them whenever you're with him and I fucking hated it Namjoon! For fucks sake, just let me go!" Yoongi said as he tried to wiggle out of the taller male's hold.

Namjoon sighed as he wipe the tears that's strolling down his cheeks. He knows there's no fixing this or making everything go back to where it use to be or make Yoongi stay. But he don't want to give up Yoongi and their relationship. He want to keep fighting for it because spending all those years with the other, he don't want those to just get nowhere or go to waste yet Yoongi, doesn't want to compromise.

There's no point on holding on to someone who have let him go a long time ago. Yoongi didn't fight for them or atleast let him explain. Namjoon isn't dumb, he knows that Yoongi might have fallen out of love or got tired of him. He didn't hear him explain like how he used to, he was the first one to let go.

"Hyung..." Namjoon sobbed. "I-I can't let you go. I don't want to fucking move on and just forget everything and just pretend nothing happened. You are the best thing that have ever happened in my life. Where did everything went wrong?" Yoongi look out of the window trying hard not to let the salty liquid to pour down his cheeks.

Yoongi sighed as his heart clench. "I-Im sorry." He muttered as he walk away. He can't bear to watch Namjoon breaking down like that. It was all his fault. He have fallen out of love yet he don't want to admit it. It all just happened to be that Namjoon seem to really act different around him which makes it a perfect reason and opportunity for Yoongi to break up with him.

Cruel, isn't it? He's a coward afterall. He just want Namjoon to take the blame for their break up. He can't break up with Namjoon with the reason of falling out of love because he dont want to take the blame.

"I'm sorry, Namjoon-ah. Please hate me all you want and after all, I deserve it." Yoongi said as he stare for the last time at Namjoon who's crying and breaking down inside the room.


The sun woke up and brightly shine throughout the whole city and some of its rays peeking through the little slits between the thin fabric of Hoseok and Jimin's shared room. Jimin stirred from his sleep when the sun rays hit his face. He scrunch his nose and cover his face with his hands.

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