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"But I realized it now. I hated you and hurt you not because I truly hated you but it was because I-I..." Jungkook inhaled and heaved out a big sighed as he lowered his head. He sat beside Jimin who's sleeping peacefully with his mouth slightly opened as he produce soft snores.

Jungkook brought his hands closer to Jimin's faces as he used his index finger to touch Jimin's hair and put it away from Jimin's eyes. Jimin is undeniably beautiful, the kind of beauty that would take your breath away as well as your heart. A tear slipped passed his eyes and Hoseok never failed to notice it.

Even though Hoseok is not in the situation, he could feel how much frustrating must it be for Jungkook to feel confuse and not sure of his feelings and how much painful it must be to Jimin.

To bear with all the heartbreak and pain that the maknae has caused him because he was not sure of his own emotions. If it were Hoseok, he could have given up a long time ago. He is so much proud how brave and strong Jimin is.

"I fucking like you. I think I like you too, Park Jimin. I don't even know why the hell am I acting this way towards you or why am I being such a pure asshole to you when you're just... nothing but so good to me. You don't deserve those. The pain, the heartbreak, the degrading words I always throw at you, and the treatment I always give to you." Jungkook sobbed. He realized everything, everything and every shit he have done for four years to Jimin and his guilt is swallowing him whole. He doesn't deserve the love he received from Jimin. He just don't deserve everuthing.

Jimin has every right to punch him, ignore him and even hate him but the latter did not. Instead he keep loving him and that just made Jungkook even more angry to his self.

"I was scared, scared of admitting that... I-I have feelings for you. No, maybe I am in denial and just don't want to admit it. But yes, I... I was a coward, I was a coward for hating you instead of telling you. I still think I like Tae hyung but I don't even know if they were romantically or not. I'm not sure if they were true, if I really love him more than just anything or did I forced myself to think that way. I don't know anymore. I'm starting to... doubt it. Just like how my feelings for you seems to grow more as I slowly realize it, how I think nd feel for him... It's slowly to change as well. What are you doing to me, hyung?"

Hoseok laid on his bed as he stared to the ceiling while he listens to Jungkook's confessions. This may have been a lot more serious than what he thought it was. He thought this was just a small and simple problems but no. This is a lot bigger.

He really want to help the two to end this suffering. He hates seeing Jimin being in a greater pain than he is right now. He don't want to see anyone regret their actions in the near future especially Jungkook. His confusion could cause him losing both Jimin and Taehyung. He love the maknaes with all his heart and the last he wants is their friendship and bond to break just because of this stupid feelings.

"Actually, with your absence, I felt empty. I felt like I was a nobody and a complete alien in this planet. W-why am I feeling this way?" Jungkook said as he stared at Jimin's sleeping face. His eyes were definitely beautiful even they were closed, his cute button nose, and his lips that forms a little pout, it looks so plump.

Jungkook's breath hitched. This feels like a deja vú. This feeling and this urge to feel those soft pair of plump pink lips against his. Jungkook gulped a thick lump of saliva. He can't seem take his eyes away from the older's lips. It's tempting.

His body slowly leans to Jimin's body and his face closer to Jimin's. As he was just about to lean even more closer, a cough interrupted him. Hoseok sat on his bed and looked at Jungkook who's now looking at him with wide eyes.

"H-hyung..." Jungkook said, almost a whisper. He was unaware of Hoseok's presence and it shooked when Hoseok suddenly clears his throat.

"Did he... saw me?" Jungkook questioned his self mentally. Hoseok got up from his bed and motion for Jungkook.

Hoseok never planned to make his presence known by the maknae but what Jungkook was about to do is just... not right. Jimin is sleeping and him attempting to kiss the other is like taking advantage.

"Come with me." Hoseok said, voice husky and still groggy. Jungkook felt his shivers run down his spine. He is still a little bit tiny tipsy but he's sobered a little.

It's time to confront Jungkook. Hoseok want to talk to the maknae. He's tired of just being in the corner and just observing.

After seeing what Jungkook was about to do, he felt the urge to confront Jungkook and have a talk to him. He love Jimin as his own brother.

He needs to do something to atleast mke things a little bit better because if he don't, who will? He knows Jungkook and Jimin has a chance. Damn, the two makes a great and cute couple and it would be a waste if this two won't end up together. He's sure Jungkook just need someone to push him past to his limits, so that the younger would show what it is he truly feels.

Hoseok has an idea planted in his mind if after this talk, in case Jungkook wouldn't still make a move. It's a little risky but he have to do this, if Jungkook won't make his move then he have to push him and force him to make a move.

This is not the bestest idea but this is the only thing he could think of. But first, he have to talk to Jungkook. That's his plan A.

"Fear isn't a reason when it comes to loveㅡ it's n excuse."


*Not proofread

What could Hobi's plan be? And what is he gonna talk to Jungkook?? Lmfao
Anyways, I'm probably gonna update again tomorrow😉👉🏻👉🏻


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